I am 37 years old and last year was found to have very low ovarian reserve with an AMH of 1.3 (possibly is lower by now) and an antral follical count between 1-5 depending on the month, but averaging 2 or 3. I was advised by 2 clinics to do Natural Modified IVF, a very low stimulation protocol which aims to collect one or two eggs naturally maturing. The argument was that women with such low ovarian reserves often don’t respond to conventional stimulation, resulting in cancelled cycles, and you may well get further with a Natural Modified approach.
I did 3 NM cycles with the following results: 1st cycle 4 mature eggs collected and fertilized, only one embryo was good enough quality to freeze. 2nd cycle one egg which did not fertilize. 3rd cycle one egg which was immature. So at the end I am extremely grateful to have one embryo to try a transfer, but two cycles failed altogether.
My partner is younger than me and not ready to start a family, so we are not planning to transfer right away. Given that in the future I will not have the option to try again if the embryo does not implant, I am considering a fourth cycle now with whatever is left of my fertility. I would love to have one more embryo if possible.
After the failure of my third cycle I enquired at two different clinics about how they would treat me. One suggested the results with standard IVF would be very similar and I should probably stick with NM for a fourth cycle (it’s cheaper and easier on the body), the other was very gung ho about getting me on full medication because ‘you don’t know how your body will react until you try’ and sometimes more follicles show up over the course of the stimulation. So I’m feeling pretty confused and wondering if any women here have similar fertility stats to me and have experience of success or failure with standard IVF, or NM IVF. Right now I’m feeling like I should try something different for my 4th go because NM failed for me twice, but confused by conflicting advice and opinions from fertility experts.
Any wise words greatly appreciated...