Low ovarian reserve - sharing info - Fertility Network UK

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Low ovarian reserve - sharing info

Lilly12255 profile image
62 Replies

I thought it would be good to have one post where all the ladies with low ovarian reserve can share info on what they think is worth doing/considering and what is not good in their experience.

From my side:

* supplements Dhea, inositol, melatonin

* an idea: double stimulation (see my previous post). Although I have not tried it so far.

* protocol: consider double trigger (to mature). Although I have not tried it so far.

* avoid clomid which can waste precious cycles due to cysts

* get rid of perfumes, plastics

* check your TSH is below 2.5

In my case, the clinic recommended mild stimulation which had disappointing results: 2 eggs collected while there was 4 to 5 follicles to start with. I am now changing treatment for the short protocol. How did your protocols work in terms if ratio egg collected/antra follicles? Would be good to see what achieved the rest retrieval rate. Mine is 40-50% only.

Please share your knowledge on good things and things you would avoid and your retrieval rate!

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Lilly12255 profile image
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62 Replies
Countrymouse56 profile image

My AMH was 2.3. Low ovarian reserve is often accompanied by high FSH... I took microgynon for 21 days before starting stims (low dose) this hopefully helps lower FSH so ovaries respond better to treatment. Worked for me first time 👍🏻 What is double trigger? Is that double the dose of the trigger shot in one go?? Xx

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toCountrymouse56

Yes, it’s a higher dose. I don’t know the exact details/same meds or additional meds yet

WinnieM profile image
WinnieM in reply toCountrymouse56

It’s double trigger on the the trigger shot You take just before collection. Helps mature the eggs before collection. It’s something my doctor does for women who’s perhaps have eggs that aren’t mature when collected.

Italy300618 profile image

Nice idea 😊

From my research and guidance...

Prep wise:





Pre natal vit

Mediterranean diet

More protein

Fertility yoga

Gentle exercise

Medical wise:

Waiting to see it if long protocol any better than short (my new clinic prefers long for lower ovarian reserve

AOA (artificial oocyte activation)

Not to be put on pill before hand

And a lot of luck 🤞🙏

Good luck to you xx

Countrymouse56 profile image
Countrymouse56 in reply toItaly300618

It’s interesting isn’t it how different clinics differ with preferred protocols. My consultant really argued the case for short protocol and microgynon beforehand. Maybe we were just super super lucky. We are hopefully doing a cycle in July (same protocol) so it will be interesting/terrifying to see how it goes. Hope your cycle goes well 🤞🏻🤞🏻. Ps. Yes thanks Lilly, this is a great idea 💡 xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toCountrymouse56

It really is! I think it maybe more the fact as well I had 2 failed cycles with short so it made sense to change the protocol for me this time especially as ive moved clinics, they need to seen to be proactive I guess! Wishing you all the luck in the world 🙏🤞 xx

Lowamh profile image
Lowamh in reply toItaly300618

Same for me. AMH of 6.5. 2 failed short cycles (3-4 eggs collected), long cycle worked 1st time (12 eggs collected) and we now have twins. I had 3 consultations before I found a consultant who agreed to try long protocol and I’m so glad I did. We also did AOA on the successful cycle and embryo glue on the unsuccessful cycles x

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toLowamh

Thanks for your reply! Oh wow that gives me hope! Fingers crossed so badly!!

And many congratulations to you!! Xxx

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toCountrymouse56

I added details of my protocol at the top

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toItaly300618

Interesting this AOA. I read a bit on it. Did you have ICSI? Internet seems to suggest that this is something only when doing ICSI

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toLilly12255

Hiya, yes we will be doing icsi this time as well. Yes they suggested it also because we dont have great fertilisation rates on previous rounds xx

Lilly12255 profile image

In my case, the clinic recommended mild stimulation which had disappointing results: 2 eggs collected while there was 4 to 5 follicles to start with. I am now changing treatment for the short protocol. How did your protocols work in terms if ratio egg collected/antra follicles? Would be good to see what achieved the rest retrieval rate

KiboXX profile image

I have a low amh for my age (9 at 34). My last two cycles (rounds 3 & 4) I did a double trigger and those were the only two times I made it to day 5 blasts.

Fourth cycle we switched from long to short protocol and I was a combination of menopur and bemfola for stims. I think it was the switch to short that had a impact on egg quality for me personally rather than stims but I definitely think the double trigger gave us an extra boost x

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toKiboXX

When you say double trigger what does that mean? 2 injections or one higher dose? Can you remember what dose it was? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toItaly300618

It just means instead of doing one dose of drugs as a trigger you do two. It’s supposed to give your eggs a final boost on quality/maturity.

On cycles 1&2 I did a normal single trigger so 1 x 250 Ovitrelle pen.

On my third cycle I did 2 x 250 Ovitrelle pens.

On my fourth cycle, different clinic and protocol so change in all my drugs and for my trigger I had one gonassi pen at 5000iu and one buserlin dose at 1mg.


Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toKiboXX

Thank you for the info 😘 xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toItaly300618

No problem! Definitely worth pushing for, it can’t do any harm and it definitely made a difference for me x

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toItaly300618

Also, the other thing that made a difference for us on rounds 3&4 was using an embryoscope (time lapse) incubators. I think our embryos need all the help they can get in the lab and not being disturbed gave us better development x

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toKiboXX

Yes I agree, we have used it on both cycles so would definitely use again this time around 😊🤞

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toKiboXX

I've just looked at my protocol and it's a 10,000iu gonasi injection. On my previous rounds it was 5000iu. So perhaps I am on a double trigger ? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toItaly300618

Yep that’s a double trigger!x

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toKiboXX

Brilliant 🤞🤞 xx

Countrymouse56 profile image
Countrymouse56 in reply toItaly300618

In that case we did double trigger too 👍🏻xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toCountrymouse56

Thats hopeful!!

Italy300618 profile image

I have low ovarian reserve for my age (11 at 33yrs)

1st cycle. Short protocol. 10 eggs. Menopur only maximum dosage. 1 fertilised. No transfer

2nd cycle. Short protocol. 10 eggs. exactly same stims. 5 fertilised. No blasts. 2 day 3 embryos transferred. BFN

Cycle 3 starting June 🤞long protocol xx

Italy300618 profile image

Cycle 3. Will be on gonal f, lower dosage than previous. Then final couple of days with 75 of menopur also

Countrymouse56 profile image
Countrymouse56 in reply toItaly300618

Hopefully low dose stims will make the world of difference 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toCountrymouse56

I do hope so. Thank you 💗 and congratulations to you xxx

Lilly12255 profile image

One thing I heard about but did not try is HGH (human growth hormone). Have you tried it?

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toLilly12255

No I havent. Havent heard of that one! 😊

Ranchu90 profile image

I also had double trigger shot on my second IVF cycle, honestly it didn’t make any difference for me at all. Consultant decided to give a double one as on my last cycle 50% of my eggs wasn’t mature.

In regards to embryoscope I used it twice for my 1st and 2nd cycle, a bit of waist of money but I don’t regret using it because I have the images with all our beautiful embryos (unfortunately all ended up in biochemical pregnancy).

t_miller profile image

Thanks for posting this thread - I’m about to embark on IVF and have low AMH (8.9 34yrs).

This has been really informative and helpful 😊 my clinic only does short protocol and mild IVF so not sure what to expect but will be on Bemfola 225 and Ovitrelle as my trigger shot once we get going.

Wishing you all the best of luck 🤞🏾🤞🏾

Miracle43 profile image

My AMH is around 3.6, I’m taking the following :

DHEA, folic acid, royal jelly, inositol, Brazil nuts for selenium, I cartitine, l arginine, b complex with b12, magnesium, evening primrose oil, Maca, omega 3, ubiquinol (coq10), zinc, vitamin c & d , melatonin and have started since jan taking spirulina powder , wheatgrass powder and baby aspirin.

I also take kefir.

1st private IVF:

Testogel day 14( 3 wks before baseline)

Norethisterine day 21

Fostimon 300 for 5 days

Fostimon 150 &Meriofert 150 for 7 days

Extra injections :

Fostimon 225 1 day

Fostimon 150 1 day

Ovitrelle trigger

Resulted in 5 follicles, all fertilised. All blasts. 2 transferred-BFN

3 smaller kept til day 6 grew but too small to freeze.

2nd IVF:

Testogel 2 wks before stims, 1 wk during (slight change).

Antibiotics Doxcycline wk before stims.

Norethisterone from day 21.

Same meds to above only we mixed up the injections 😔 used Meriofert instead in Fostimin,

only one follicle switched to IUI- BFN.

Ovitrelle trigger.

3rd IVF:

Day 7 Testogel 3 wks before stims

Period came early, baseline from natural cycle.

Same meds as above for 10 days only to find out we were naturally pregnant!

Heartbeat at 6.5 wks.

MMC March 2020

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toMiracle43

Oh dear, that’s horrible you lost the naturally conceived child. I am confused: did you get pregnant between the period and day 10 or did the periods come despite you being pregnant?

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toLilly12255

I was supposed to take norethisterone on day 21 of my last cycle. 2 days before I started to bleed.

I had already started the Testogel.

It was like a normal period.

The clinic agreed they would scan me on day 3 of that bleed and if all ok start the meds. Scanned and all good to go, lining very thin.

Injected for 6 days, went for a scan only 2 follicles. Was so upset.

Continued for 2 days, another scan,

Still only 1 lead follicle and 1 smaller.

Noticed a blob .. didn’t know what it was, clinic thought it was a cyst.

Continued with injections. Went back blob was still there a little bigger. I panicked think we had lost our cycle, did say maybe it’s our miracle baby.

The nurse said we should test. I said there was no point there was no way we could be .. it was positive straight away!!

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toMiracle43

Sounds like the meds injection could be the ones to blame for the loss. I also had unexplained cysts. Starting to wonder if I have not been pregnant without knowing. Did you have unprotected intercourses after the early periods? If not, then the baby must have been created before the bleed I guess?

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toLilly12255

We went for a treatment plan end of Jan, and started using Testogel that eve, I had some left from previous cycles.

We didn’t expect to start until a wk or so later based on previous cycles.

We had unprotected intercourses before the plan but protected from there so it must of been before.

The clinic couldn’t believe it because there was no sign at the baseline scan.

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toMiracle43

I have been reported with cysts several times so I asked about the cysts being potentially a baby and my clinic told me that it’s impossible to detect a baby on scan for many weeks. But as I had a period around the scheduled date, I assumed that I was not pregnant. Now I am realising that it’s not necessarily true

precioce profile image

For me, multivitamin, DHEA ultra micronised, Omega 3, ubiquinol. Also avoided fragrances. We also had a su restful pregnancy on a natural modified cycle after 5 high drugs rounds, with 2 unsuccessful pregnancies.xx

Miracle43 profile image

Have any of you lovely ladies tried Spirulina and or wheatgrass?

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toMiracle43

I am reading about those. Maybe be wheatgrass is not safe if taken while on IVF as it could interact by producing hormones. I have tried another « superfood » for a few weeks now but not convinced it is useful so I did not put it in the list above: it’s Acai berries. Read about it in a US fertility clinic website

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toLilly12255

I’ve been taking both tablet from in nov/ dec then switched to powder in.

I stopped using during stims but have read they help with both Fsh and Egg quality. I do believe they helped with our positive result.

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toLilly12255

In my IVF diet book it recommends, spirulina, superfood berry powder, maca powder and ashwanghanda powder and baobab powder. Bit pricey to get them initially but will last ages xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toMiracle43

Yes I've got spirulina! I add it to juices and breakfast bars I make 👍

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toItaly300618

I add them to kefir. I’m not a huge fan of the smell / of spirulina but if it works .... 😊

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toMiracle43

Exactly! What's kefir like? It's on my food delivery for wednesday 😊

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toItaly300618

Which one have you gone for?

The original tastes a bit like Greek yoghurt. It’s a bit thicker.

I sometimes have 100ml of the original and then add 100ml of a flavoured ones, either mango & tumeruc or honey and coconut or strawberry😊.

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply toMiracle43

I've just gone for the original, but might have to try the flavoured ones now! 😋 xx

Miracle43 profile image
Miracle43 in reply toItaly300618

They do help disguise the taste 😉

Hi all,

I’m 36 with an AMH of 1 and FSH of 12. I had fibroids removed prior to starting my cycle. I also have hypothyroidism and got sorted on the right thyroid medication dose and started taking elevit pregnancy supplement (about 2months) before starting.

I did a long protocol, with contraceptive pill, nasal spray, gonal-f 300, trigger of ovidrel 250 and then after retrieval progesterone 3xdaily for about 2 weeks.

I had 10 follicles that reached appropriate size, 8 eggs collected, 6 fertilised through ICSI, and 4 embryos (1 fresh transfer and 3 have been frozen).

I’ve been extremely lucky with a successful cycle first go and am currently 8 weeks pregnant.

Hope all that info can be useful for someone.

All the best xxxxx

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply to

Congratulations!! How many antra follicles did you have when you started your cycle?

in reply toLilly12255

I’m not sure actually. I don’t remember getting told about antra follicles sorry, I didn’t do an ultrasound prior to my cycle/treatment. They may have checked it out during my fibroid surgery but I don’t remember being told about any results for that.

WinnieM profile image
WinnieM in reply to

Congratulations! Was this nhs?

in reply toWinnieM

Hi WinneM, I’m actually in Australia and it was through a private clinic here. We only have a couple of public clinics in capital cities over here.

Tray81 profile image

Have any of you taken melatonin? I have purchased it but unsure when to start taking it. I have read various articles which say 6 weeks before egg collection and other that say 3 months before egg collection but no earlier than 3 months. I am currently eagerly awaiting my clinic opening for a date when I can start treatment

Lilly12255 profile image
Lilly12255 in reply toTray81

I took it since mid January

Miracle43 profile image

Hi Tray81, yes I’ve been taking melatonin. I’ve been taking it for egg quality since Dec.

LucyVer profile image

Has anyone’s clinic been able to mature immature eggs in the lab? I think it’s called in-vitro maturation?

My AMH is 3.4 tested at 39 I’m 40 now. I’ve had 3 mmc and 2 chemicals since naturally ttc for 3 years. I think it’s more the quality of the egg than quantity I ovulate every mth. I’ve took supplements too ubiquinol pqq dhea Maca etc etc etc can’t say they helped either way.

Gl3n profile image

Hi all, just to say I was taking inositol but I've recently read that this can be detrimental unless you have PCOS. It lowers androgens when, if you have low amh and are >35 then you most likely have lower levels of androgens than you need for follicle growth and quality. People with PCOS have excessively high androgens which is detrimental to eggs so the inositol helps lower this.

DHEA increases low androgen levels. So it seems that taking Inositol along with DHEA is a contradiction.

Maybe a good idea to check this out for yourself.

Hi. Last year I was told I had an AMH of 3.5 at 32 years old. We had been trying almost 3 years with no joy - my periods had become shorter too which was I told was due to my low egg reserve. I was about to start my first round of ivf December / January time and was prescribed the long protocol. However, I fell pregnant naturally just before starting by some miracle. I only took folic acid and vitamin D. I was very stressed around the time of conceiving so don’t believe this affected my ability to conceive, but I did start to feel more positive once I got the ball rolling with private ivf which may have helped, as I finally felt a bit more in control of situation. Hope this gives some hope to all of you that it is possible to fall pregnant naturally despite a low AMH, it just may take a very long time!! Good luck with all your journeys!!! Xxx

HoneyBeeBlossom profile image

So pleased I have stumbled upon this post, really interesting reading through the replies.

I am about to start IVF and have a low ovarian reserve, low AMH for my age 12.7 (28 years old).

I started to take Myo-Inositol around 2 months ago and have not experienced mid cycle spotting since, something which was really common for me.

Fingers crossed and baby dust to all!🤞🏼

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