Hello, just wanting to see if anyone else is in the same position. after a year of trying, We finally fell pregnant but I had a miscarried at 6 wks last June, then had an ectopic jan this year which resulted in surgery and the removal of my right tube. Amazingly I fell pregnant the following month but within a week i was having pains and again was told it was ectopic (a 7% recurrence rate for a 2nd ectopic, pretty crappy luck) This time i had the methotrexate inj to save my other tube but was told my best and safest chance for a baby was to go fot IVF. Well I received a call from the fertility clinic today and was told that because ive fallen pregnant naturally, I have to wait 2 years to qualify for IVF because the clock starts from when I had the 1st ectopic not from when we started trying, Im so angry, i'll be 37 by then and why should I have to wait just because I fell pregnant naturally, it hasnt worked so surely I should be treated like anyone else who needs the help to have a baby. I dont understand what the 2 year wait will achieve, its not like we can try for 2 years to see what happens, not when my life is at risk? i was only 6 wks with the last one and collapsed and passed out at home in front of my husband from the pain, I'm 45 minutes from any hospital so if i suffered another ectopic and this one ruptured, the treatment and nursing me would cost the NHS much more than one round of IVF?
2 ectopics within 3 months and now on... - Fertility Network UK
2 ectopics within 3 months and now one tube down

That is awful. Is there an option to appeal given your circumstances?
I'm disgusted by your clinics decision. Can you not speak to your specialist and see if he/she can make an exception with your circumstances? Failing that could you ask to change clinics where they would put you through for IVF? (Perhaps ring around a few and require) Or could your GP write a letter to your clinic for an appeal?
I'm so sorry for your losses you've suffered. Heartbreaking.
All the best with it all.
Hi Wrighty, this is really unfair. Have you spoken to the ccg too or was this just a clinic response. Ultimately this is a decision for the ccg to make and you have the right to submit an appeal. I believe you have enough arguments to win it. Let us know how it goes. Lots of love
Hi Wrighty,
I was in a similar situation...
We were trying to conceive for 2 years, were in the middle of fertility appointment when we found out we were pregnant. Unfortunately it was an ectopic and had to have that tube removed.
During the surgery they said that my remaining tube didn't look very healthy (even though I'd had the dye test which came back normal!)
I was told that I needed IVF incase it happened again.
However my ccg is different to my actually hospital that I'm under and they have refused NHS funding (even though my hospital ccg would say yes). And like you would have to try for another 2 years before funding was given to me.
Fortunately we had some savings so am able to go private but I know a lot of people can't do that.
If I couldn't go private I'd maybe try appealing the decision?
Sorry I can't offer more advice it's really unfair how they make they decide and that's it's a postcode lottery as to whether you get treatment or not.
I don't understand why you have to wait 2 years, I've had 2 eptopics, 1st one in 2007 and then a second at start of Nov 2015 and both resulting in losing both my tubes 😢 But I had my first ivf treatment in December 2016 unfortunately it ended in a bfn, so I don't know why you have to wait that long as both my eptopics was naturally conceived and my doctor put me straight through for treatment xx
I so think you should see if there is an appeal system and fight this! I wish I had fought harder when NHS wouldn't help me as I'm now 45 and have used up nearly all our savings! This has to be an exception to their stupid rules as u can't possibly risk getting pregnant naturally!! I'm so sorry Hun x