Hi everyone, Am now on day 6 after my 5dt and started spotting this morning. Only a tiny bit to start then nothing all day and when i got home from work more spotting. Bright red (which i don't think is a good sign) and not like i would normally see at the start of my period. Im getting worried. Feeling like its too early to test but don't think i will make it to Monday my OTD. Any one experience similar? I think its too late for implantation bleeding? But too early for my period although guessing all these hormones will mess up your cycle?!!! Argh i was feeling so calm up until now! xx
6dp5dt spotting getting worried :( - Fertility Network UK
6dp5dt spotting getting worried :(

Could well be implantation bleeding - check out the timelines on this website.
I had pink spotting on day 5 and 6. Only twice in those two days but I got a bfp. First cycle in September I didn't get anything x
I didn't get any spotting with my bfn cycle. I think maybe just wait and see. The drugs just play havoc with your system so it's so tricky to tell. Fingers crossed for you. x
I got bright red bleed on day 8 after transfer... I got BFP and on first they spotted an area bleed came from... I thought was all over when saw bright red blood... I spent a few days with feet up relaxing after that scare! Fingers crossed for you... Don't give up hope... Lots of love Jackie xxx
Implantation bleed can happen between day 5 right up to day 9/10 two of my friends had it, one was day 6 and the other got there's on day 9 and now both have beautiful happy babies. So just try and relax and wait till otd I will have everything crossed for you lovely xxxx
I think bleeding can be quite common so it's not over yet! Best of luck xxx