I haven't posted for so long as trying to sort my head out after suffering badly from miscarriage grief and 4th failed ivf and"feeling stuck" at cross roads for so long.
I've had some tests and got my results from gp (hosptial are a nightmare and so behind with their work. Still waiting from tests I had over a month ago and the receptionist has a disgusting attitude!!) and they said I had pcos due to having pco and the infertility as that is 2/5 symptoms which is enough to diagnose in her opinion. ( i also get loadd of pelvic pain which she said is unrelated to pcos)
My periods have been a bit longer now too. 38 days instead of 31days but I've been under an immense amount of stress and last one was 32 days so seems to ve settling again.
However my point is that is that's the case why would I only now be diagnosed? Ive gone through 4 ivf rounds and was originally referred with pco characteristics but not the syndrome yet all the way through my ivf I was told I dont have pcos or pco. However I didget ohss very easily and was hospitalised with it during my miscarriage.
Should my ivf clinic have found it or is that enough to diagnose? It'll be interesting to see the hospital results if and when I ever get them.