For those who remember the long process I've been going through of being "sort of pregnant" after IVF - I had a super faint line on my pregnancy test on OTD, then low levels of HCG on blood tests although they were going up. I finally got to go in for a scan yesterday (7 weeks + 5 days) and the sonographer could see a fetal pole with a heartbeat, but said it was measuring 10 days too small - it was only 3mm which should be more like 6+3, not 7+5. We then saw a doctor who basically told me to be prepared as I'm very likely to have a miscarriage. We have another scan booked for Friday next week, assuming I don't start bleeding or anything before then. On the one hand I feel like it has to be a good thing that there was a heartbeat, but the doctor was clearly thinking things aren't going to work out.
If I do end up having a missed miscarriage or something like that, I'm worried about how to arrange medical treatment for it - we had to go private for IVF as the NHS wouldn't fund us, but we wouldn't be able to afford to get a D&C or anything like that through the private hospital. Does anyone have any experience of whether you can refer yourself to the NHS for a miscarriage after private IVF? I don't want to borrow trouble, but it sounds like there is a realistic possibility we could go in there next Friday and be told the pregnancy hasn't progressed, in which case I want to get clear about what my options are.