Hi everyone, hope you all well,
I've been waiting for my blood results back from the doctors to see if I'm amune well rang to say they was still pending, was told to ring back Wednesday as it should be in and ready to go,
However she adviced me that my chosen clinic (Chaucer in Canterbury) is no longer running the IVF clinic,
So I have now got the choice of Tunbridge Wells or Orpington,
I only picked Chaucer mainly as it was the closest,
I'm just wondering if any one on here is from Kent and if so have you used either place?
It's NHS funded, I was told the actual name but I've left the piece of paper at work with it on
Then once I ring them Wednesday and confirm where I want to go she will email it all direct to my chosen clinic, and they will then contact me to arrange an appointment to go through the cycle/medication I guess, so may not start till May now as I may just miss this month,
Sorry for long post, say reason for the post is to see people's opinions on the 2 remaining options I have to pick,
Thanks in advance xx