Hey, I'm having my first egg collection tomorrow. My previous treatments have all been IUIs so this is a first for me. I only have 3 follicles so I'm feeling a little worried that I'll end up with nothing. Just wanting some words of support from anyone who has had this few follicles and still got some good embryos.
Egg collection tomorrow: Hey, I'm... - Fertility Network UK
Egg collection tomorrow

Hey, good luck for tomorrow love. You will do absolutely fine.
The last scan before my EC showed fewer folicles than they managed to get eggs so I think the last few days before EC all sorts can happen.
Even if you manage to get 3, as long as the quality is there you will do great, thats the most important thing xx

Thanks, this made me feel a lot better. I was so positive until the last scan then I started to worry as usual. They said the follicles all looked good so fingers crossed.
Best of luck for tomorrow.
Try to relax and stay positive I know it's not easy xxxx
Good luck for your ec xx❤🌈💋
Wishing you lots of luck for EC today! There's often a few surprise follicles lurking that haven't shown on the scans. Hope all goes well for you xxx
Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
good luck for EC. I only had 4 good size follicles and got 4 eggs. 3 of which fertilised. Just waiting for the call today to find out grading and whether transfer will be today. Best wishes xx
I got 2 eggs as 1 follicle was empty but better than nothing. I totally melted down and the anaesthesiologist was not understanding and kept forcefully grabbing my arm but I had a great nurse who told him to back off. Xx
Good luck today! Hope all goes well x