New to all of this, possibly having t... - Fertility Network UK

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New to all of this, possibly having to go through IVF route.

happydaysahead profile image
15 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new to all this... like many of you I never in a million years though that I'd be in this situation. I think we're going to be given a diagnosis of unexplained infertility at our next appointment, our doctor said that we would be looking at IVF next.

Can anyone give me any insight into the next steps and also if we should give it a bit more time to naturally happen. We've been trying for around a bit over two years. I'm 30 and my husband is 40 years old. Neither of us are overweight or have any known health issues.

Any advice will help

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happydaysahead profile image
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15 Replies
nicknick profile image

I can't help much, just wanted ti wish you good luck with yr journey x

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to nicknick

Appreciate that thanks

I think most days I can't believe I'm in this situation at 31 I was diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, but we're not alone on this journey as you can see many ppl suffer with all kinds of fertility problems and unfortunately it's takes some of us longer to achieve our goals. What's happened so far? Have you had blood tests to check your hormones and scan to check follicles if not then this will be the first step that your doctor should take a semen test to analyse. Also where are you based is this private or nhs? If nhs I would push forward to start all tests straight away as it can take a while for results and treatment to start. Ask away if you have any questions and continue to try in the meantime as you never know xxx

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to

Hi, we are NHS. To be honest everything seems to have happened very quickly. We have done a lot of tests, I'v had the blood tests which check ovulation, the internal scan and x-ray with the fluid and my husband has done his semen test.

So from what I gather were at the end of the line. Our last appointment we were told if latest tests come back with no issue (x-ray) then we'd be given that diagnosis and be referred to ivf. It just all seems a bit quick and not what either of us expected... but I guess we're lucky as some people need to fight to move forward.

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to happydaysahead

I was in similar position to you (but older) and I was offered laparoscopy, though it was not really encouraged as I had no endo symptoms. Anyway, waited months then had it and they found/treated two spots of endometriosis. I then got pregnant immediately. Unfortunately I miscarried. However, if you're only 30 I'd push for this investigative procedure before IVF personally.

Strawb86 profile image

Hi happydays. I think I wrote something similar in my first post that I never thought I'd have to deal with infertility! We all know how that feels. I also felt like IVF was coming up pretty quickly and got a bit freaked out by it, but by the point it was time to start the actual cycle I was really pleased that things had progressed relatively quickly. There's nothing stopping you from trying naturally in the meantime while you're waiting for your first IVF cycle to get booked in!

In terms of next steps, you're likely to be referred to a fertility clinic and they will then have a meeting with you to discuss what results you have had so far. They'll probably want to get another SA from your husband and do a blood test on both of you. You may also have a baseline scan to check your endo lining and make sure everything looks ok internally. After that they'll then recommend the best course of treatment for you and get funding etc. arranged. The order and timeline of things vary massively depending on where you are but that is the basics.

Once you get your head around the idea of IVF, if you're anything like me you'll get pretty excited by it all! I'm just in the middle of my first cycle so its still quite new to me but I am happy to answer any questions :)

Wishing you lots of luck xxx

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to Strawb86

Thanks for your reply, you helped me very much with your reply. It was seeming so quick... we only went to doc cause we saw an episode of behind GPS doors, where a guy had been trying to get pregnant with his wife and nothing get was happening. Not really expecting to much to happen... and now we are here! Seems like it's been lightening speed but it must be like a year!

I guess it's better that things are quicker, but I'm understanding now the even after the referal there are more tests and more waiting lists.. so that calms me a wee bit lol.

How are you finding your first cycle?

Strawb86 profile image
Strawb86 in reply to happydaysahead

Yeah totally understand how you feel! And you will find that lots more time will pass before it really starts so no need to panic :)

I'm finding it all fineso far, no real problems with the injections and feeling normal. Had a bit of a wobble yesterday as panicked about my follicles being too small but trying to be positive! Will have egg collection next week all being well.

Keep in touch and let us know how you get on xxx

I know it can all seems very daughting and not an option you want to consider when all tests come back normal but usually there is a waiting list for nhs and if you have unexplained fertility (no problems dectected) then you will probably go to the back of the que. From my diagnosed I was told I was eligible for ivf to start in 6 months time, at the time I had been ttc for 1 and half years so now I'm at 2yrs I just want to start treatment. There is also a criteria that you and your partner need to fulfil to be eligible for ivf and these results and where you live will depend on the number of cycles you eligible for so if I was you I would push forward with everything so you at least know whats available to you and chances are nothing will really happen for a quite a few months anyway which means you can continue to try in the meantime. Each hospital is different with different waiting times so it could be shorter or longer wait for you. xxx

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to

Hi, we're aware of the criteria as it was one of the first leaflets they gave us... can you get nhs ivf funding...can you imagine my face... I was just going for my first test! Lol I belive we are eligible.. but that's just based on a leaflet. The comments have certainly put me more at ease than I have been.

Thanks again x

in reply to happydaysahead

I know its horrible when they first mention ivf because it becomes so serious all of a sudden and it's perfectly normal to think let's just try for a a few more months. You won't feel rushed being referred and they will probably do additional checks anyway which is a good thing because they can rule everything out for you or address any problems that may arise. Wishing you all the best let us know if you need anything else xxx

happydaysahead profile image
happydaysahead in reply to

Certainly will. Thanks again x

vic77 profile image

I remember that feeling of I couldn't believe we were here too..I cried at pretty much every appointment now I feel like a dab hand at it sadly however this time around I was laughing and smiling at each appointment so much more relaxed which I hope is a good thing. Like folk say get on it as it seems like one long wait initially but once you are at top of list it all moves quickly and yes keep trying obviously while waiting..wishing you lots of luck and you will find so much support on here xxxxx

jhb_c profile image

Hope your journey has worked out well so far, can I ask where you're at now? Sorry not to pry...but you 8 months ago is me now...!

Beebeestar profile image

Hi Happydaysahead,

I just want to wish you luck on your next stage. I also felt like we were going through something that you only see on TV. My journey has been so long and I now thank our lucky stars that their are options out there.

I’m going through my 2nd try at the end of the month and I’m actually quite excited! You’ll get through it and soon the idea will feel quite comfortable.

Looking forward to your updates!

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