I haven't been on here much lately but do try to pop back on when I can, to offer support and give hope because when we went through IVF it was the positive stories that got me through.
We went through the IVF process after not being able to conceive naturally. After tests I was told I had PCOS and hubby had a low sperm count. We tried IVF in the first cycle and unfortunately after the dreaded 2ww we got a BFN. That feeling of disappointment and loss is so hard. Round 2 we used ICSI and we're very lucky to get a BFP, which was on father's day.
The pregnancy has been full of worries... bleeding, fainting, cardiology and neurology consultations, morning sickness until week 32 and gestational diabetes (so I had to inject insulin) !! But... it was all worth it!!
I was induced early because of the GD and docs were worried my placenta wouldn't support the baby to full term. I went to hospital on the 20th feb and started the induction process.... a 24hr pessary, 4 x 6 hr pessaries, a balloon catheter, 3 epidurals (1 went wrong to start with, one broke halfway through when I was 9cm dilated!) and a syntocin drip (and 5 days) later.... they decided baby's heart rate was going too fast to carry on as we were and I would need either forceps or a c section. 20 mins later I was on the operating table being cut open, holding my husbands hand and all I could think about was our little one... and if she would be ok. On 24th Feb at 10pm I heard our little girl cry.... and saw the back of her head as they pulled her out of me. My husband and I were overjoyed to have her finally here and cannot believe how perfect she is.
Every step of the IVF and pregnancy process has been a struggle... to keep going, to stay positive, to be brave.... but it is all so worth it... you don't think it will ever happen to you but it has done... we are so so lucky and grateful, and I don't think I could have got through it all without this forum and the support and advice from the wonderful women on here.
Don't give up girls. I wish you all every happiness and baby dust to you all. I've attached a picture of our beautiful Alice, at one week old. We are so in love.
Xxxxxxx ππππππππ