On the 13th of December our long awaited miracle Archie arrived weighing 8lb 5oz. We had been ttc for nearly 4 yrs, had 3 failed ivf cycles without a hint of a bfp, low amh, and responded so badly to the meds on our last cycle that we were advised donor eggs was our only option. While waiting for our donor match, we had the biggest shock, a natural bfp. After a long pregnancy not daring to believe it was real after years of disappointment and hopes being dashed, I can finally believe our dreams have come true now that i have him in my arms.
I know how incredibly lucky we have been and continue to educate others about the heartbreak of infertility and that ivf isn't always the magical solution people think it is. I will continue to send positive vibes to all on this journey and give advice and support when I feel I can offer something positive to those of you still fighting this battle. I also hope my story gives hope to those with repeated bfn's and who feel their body is incapable if becoming pregnant - I have been there and truly thought I would never be one of the lucky ones seeing those 2 lines. I wish you all luck and best wishes and hope to see lots of bfp's as we head into 2018. Xx