Blood on ovary since egg collection - Fertility Network UK

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Blood on ovary since egg collection

Beckyboo1985 profile image
12 Replies

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is doing ok.

Im due to start my second round of I've in 3 weeks, but have had pain in my left ovary and bloating ever since my last failed cycle which was in December. I went to my clinic today and they did an internal scan to check my ovaries, the doctor could see something on my left ovary which looked like a small collection of blood. He said I need to go to my gp and get referred to the hospital fora Proper scan :( I'm worried this is now going to set us back even further, as we're meant to be starting in 3 weeks. I just wondered if anyone else has had this? I'm not quite sure what it is but perhaps it's something to do with the scaring from egg collection. The doctor thinks it's nothing to worry about but wants to get it checked before we start again. Obviously I would rather be ok 100% before starting treatment again.

Thanks for reading,

Becky xxx

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12 Replies
MommaBear16 profile image

Hi Becky - try not to worry too much lovely, they probably just want to check its not going to cause any complications. I know it's really hard and when there are delays it's incredibly upsetting but the sooner they can check it out the sooner they can deal with it and you can get started. I really hope your treatment isn't delayed but if it is just remember that you could be in a better position knowing what the bleed is or having it treated before you get started. Sending lots of love, you will soon get started and before you know it you'll be in your 2ww! x x x

Beckyboo1985 profile image
Beckyboo1985 in reply to MommaBear16

Thanks hun, yea im going to call docs now to try get appointment asap, just want to get it sorted! Just wasn't expecting this to pop up but hey ho that's life! Thanks for the reply :) have a good day xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Beckyboo1985. Oh dear, sorry to hear this. It just maybe that a small cyst has ruptured causing a bit of blood loss. If that's what it is, it should just settle down and repair itself and cause no further problem. You're right to get it checked out though. Good luck and I will be thinking of you. Diane

Beckyboo1985 profile image
Beckyboo1985 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you Diane. Hoping to get a scan quickly, if not I think I'll try and get a private scan..will let you know how I get on. Thank you x

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Beckyboo1985

Hi. Please do. Diane

All the best with your upcoming scan-I hope you get the all clear and this dosent delay your treatment 😘

I'm also having problems with my left ovary-it's been causing me pain-luckily GP has prescribed me tramadol- I was on clomid which caused my left ovary to become enlarged. I've also been prescribed the pill-oh the irony after 5 and a half years of trying!!!

My fertility consultant refereed me straight away for scan- from his referral to my scan date just under 3 weeks-my scan is a week tomorrow.

I think if it's considered urgent you should have a scan date within 3 weeks of referral.

Good luck lovely.


Beckyboo1985 profile image
Beckyboo1985 in reply to

Thank you Hun, sorry to hear your having issues with your ovary too! It's just one thing after another isn't it! Unfortunately my fertility consultant can't refer me, I have to go to my gp and get reffered from there, which is so annoying, as I think it'll be weeks before I get an appointment! I'm going to see my gp tomorrow Nd going to say it's urgent as I'm about to start treatment. If it can't be done soon I might go to a & e and just wait to get a scan on the same day, as I'm worried it might turn into an infection :( xx

in reply to Beckyboo1985

Thats annoying for you Hun. I think seeing as your consultant is insisting on this being looked at properly asap- I think your GP will comply-that's your winning ticket! I don't see how the GP can't go with the consultants recommendation of urgent scan. I'm sure it'll be fine-you can always phone hospital and ask to be put on cancellation list and be seen earlier.

I went to A + E with my ovary pain 2 weeks ago after 111 Doctor told me to if still in pain despite taking strong painkillers which didn't work-they gave me several blood tests, and regularly checked my pulse and blood pressure and felt my abdomen area and agreed pain was coming from the ovary. just sent me home saying to follow up with GP-which I did and told my consultant who booked scan the next day.

I'm not saying A+E wouldn't scan you-if they thought your life was at risk then they would-they have limited resources so they have to really prioritise everything-really I'm lucky they ran blood tests on me.

Let me know how you get on with your GP I hope it goes well

. If you start feeling unwell between now and scan appt your GP may send you to the hospital for an immediate scan.


Beckyboo1985 profile image
Beckyboo1985 in reply to

Thanks for this info Hun. I will see what the gp says and hopefully the scan won't be too far away. If it is I may just have a private scan I think. I don't want to rush things, but would be nice to start sooner rather then waiting another month or so. How's your pain now? Have they said what's caused it? Xx

No worries lovely.

My pain has got the medics really baffled!! My GP has given me tramadol which is really helping to take the edge of the pain. 😊GP thinks it's ovary consultant thinks it's bowel. But no one is that sure which is the reason why I'm being scanned and hopefully the scan will reveal the cause of the pain 🙏🏻

How did your appointment with your GP go? I hope it went well and you can get scanned asap.


Beckyboo1985 profile image
Beckyboo1985 in reply to

His strange! Yea hopefully the scan will reveal all! It's annoying we can't see what's happening inside us hey! Well you won't believe it..! I went to docs this morning and she referred me there and then and they called me this afternoon telling me they had a free slot to scan me today! So I went today, and they can't see anything!! I'm baffled! And a little worried that they may have missed something! So strange, but I'm happy that we can still go ahead with treatment in 3 weeks time :) xx

That is great news so happy for you! Obvious they were concerned and wanted it checked out asap. They did that with my mum-got her an X-ray that same day. Maybe the blood was caused by a small cyst rupture-I had a cyst on my left ovary and my scan on 15th Jan showed the cyst and there was a ring of blood around the ovary. With fertility treatment it is very common to get cysts as the treatment stimulates the ovaries more! Usually they don't cause any troubles and more often than not the body resorbs them. I think if something wasn't ok you would know-I'm sure you'd be in pain-your body would let you know. 😊 Easier said than done but I wouldn't worry and just carry on- at least your treatment isnt being delayed 💕


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