Dont ignore anything: So here's our... - Fertility Network UK

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Dont ignore anything

Jae85 profile image
19 Replies

So here's our story. Sorry it's long winded but I think I should tell the full story not just bits. we got pregnant 4 years ago after 2 years ttc a day after we found out I started bleeding I went straight to ane turned out it was twins and we'd lost one but we're delighted the other one was ok. after heavier bleeding on December 13th I remember the date well its my birthday the bleedin got heavier I rang the hospital they got me a scan for the day after where we were told there was no heartbeat so to wait a week and go back for another scan to be sure. the scan confirmed we had lost the baby. I was offered a dnc with it bein xmas time they didnt want me being rushed in over Xmas. we grieved for both babies but we decided to just keep trying. we got married on the 12th July 2014 so that took all our attention so we had a focus. the week after the wedding I got put in clomid for 6 months it made me ill I think I got every side affect it could give. well 6 months later still nothing. a week before our first wedding anniversary I discovered I was pregnant again we were delighted until the bleeding starred again so we spent our anniversary in tears as a scan confirmed we had lost another baby. we were accepted for ivf funding just after so we felt a little relief that this could be our turn. my husband didnt want to do treatment but didnt want me to be upset that we never got to be parents so on June 3rd this year we started the injections. I didnt find it as hard as I thought but we both agreed we didnt want to do it again if it didn't work. my ovaries didnt react as they thought they would and after upping my dose twice we finally got a collection date the 11th July,we went to the clinic wi th nerves and excitement and we're told they only got 2 eggs bit not to worry. So our second anniversary we spent lay in bed waiting for a phone call, it came both eggs had made it passed the first stage and we were to go back on Thursday. as I got ready thursday we got abother call one egg hadn't survived and the other one didn't look good and to go back Saturday. when we went in they said we had less than 20% chance but they would do it anyway. turns out that one little egg was a fighter we were pregnant we made it. at 5 weeks 6 days I started to bleed I got rushed in for a scan where at last we saw our little ones heart thumping away. we had 3 more scans the next 3 weeks just to monitor and everything was fine. the day before my 12 weeks scc an I woke up in the night losin a huge clot and lots of blood sp again panic set in we got rushed in again and there it was our little baby rolling around. it turned out it was implantation blee ding on the placenta. the bleeding slowed down and eventually stopped. I booked a 16 week scan for gender and to make sure everythin was ok. We were havin a girl (we've only got nephews so we were all delighted) that night the bleeding started again along with stomach pains they thought I was in labour turned out to be nothin but to just rest until the bleeding stopped. a week later it got worse and I had to have a week in hospital. I had a water infection but our little girl seemed fine. I had 6 drs check my cervix through the week and one thought it was openin but as it's tilted they couldn't tell after a scan they were still unsure as the baby was lying funny and they couldn't see it. they sent me home but put me in long term sick and just said dont do too much. on the 2nd November the bleeding slowed right down I was so relieved wed bought a home doppler and listened to her heart every mornin and every night it was amazing. But that night I woke up to sever stomach pains and back pains I couldn't get comfy and it was makin me cry I phoned the hospital as I was told and the nurse said just have paracetamol and get comfy its just growing pains. 2 hours later our angel was born. I felt nothin but live as soon as I held her she was amazing even at 19 weeks. we had a full funeral service and named her gracie kate. she was our miracle we were blessed that we finally got to meet one of our angels and accepted it wasnt meant to be. the grievin process is difficult I'm still off work where as my husband had to go back the week after the funeral. yesterday being my birthday again we had an appointment with the consultant who told us there was afternoon infection in the placenta that couldn't be detected because the antibioticsfor the water infection had cancelled out the swabs and they weren't strong enough to fight it. it turns out the bleeding wasn't causing her any problems but it led to the infection that triggered the labour. dont let anyone tell you bleeding is normal and it's not a problem if they can't see where it's coming from. we have been re referred for ivf but with no guarantee we will be accepted for a second try but if we do get pregnant again I will be given all the tests and monitoring they can do even checkin my cervix regularly from early on. good luck to anyone tryin but please don't be fobbed off by anythin if you don't think it's right its your body and your baby x

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Jae85 profile image
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19 Replies

Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry for your losses. Keep hoping and believing your dreams will come true.xx

Tugsgirl profile image

What a sad story 😞 Sorry for your losses. I hope next year will bring you better luck 🍀 x

lianm8 profile image

I am so sorry this has happened to you. I can't imagine how you are both feeling. Thinking of you xx

Janer85 profile image

So sorry for your loss xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi jae85. So sorry to read all of this, and I commend you with the way you have handled your tragedies. Just hoping that when you are ready, you do get to have a go with IVF and get all the care you deserve, with a positive result. Meanwhile, I wish you both peace and contentment - and for success. Thinking of you. Diane

CE_88_14 profile image

Sorry for your loss :-(. Really hope you are reapproved and best wishes for the future x

Cinderella5 profile image

I just wanted to say Im so sorry for your losses, what a terrible time you've had! All the best for the future!xx

City74 profile image

I am so very sorry for your losses. Sending you best wishes for the future. xx

ditsy999 profile image

thank you for sharing and so sorry for your loss . .good luck xxx

bfrida profile image

Thank you for sharing your pain, hope everything will be ok. and Christmas vibes bring you only positive momens.

wish you luck and send a hug XXX

Cathie-K profile image

Hi Hun, I'm so sorry to hear about all your angel babies 😢, life can be so cruel. I got a BFP last years with ICSI and unfortunately my waters broke at 24 weeks and my little girl (Esmae) didn't make it due to me getting the infection GBS (Group B strep), this isn't something they test for in the U.K.

I'be had a second fresh ICSI this year and I'm currently 17+6. I'm being monitored by a fantastic team at Liverpool's women's. I had a scan 11 days ago and my cervix was 31m, yesterday I had another scan and it's now 17m. I've been put on cyclogest to thicken the lining and may have to have a stitch.

I wish you all the best and really hope you get that second chance at IVF and get the support you need. Xxx

Jae85 profile image
Jae85 in reply to Cathie-K

So sorry for what you've been through too. I got tested for strep b when I got rushed in and twice when I was staying in but it was all clear. its horrendous what you have to go through isn't it. I really hope they can sort everythingout for you this time and you get your little baby. I wish you all the best for the future. thank you xx

sanj76 profile image

Wow I'm full of emotion reading this. Firstly thank you so so so much got sharing, it takes someone special to open up and discuss your experience and pain. I wish nothing but the best for you Jae. Your one heck of an incrediable lady and likewise your hubby to go through what you both have gone through.

I sincerely hope you be blessed in every possiable way. Me and the wife are going through I've right now and it's a ong long journey, it's as important for me to know these things as well as her, so once again I thank you every so much.

Jae85 profile image
Jae85 in reply to sanj76

Thank you thats lovely of you to say. I would hate for anyone to go through what we are going through and even if it only sticks in one persons mind to not ignore anythin because a dr tells you its normal then we have helped someone. wish you lots of luck on your journey and I hope you and your wife get the little one you deserve xx

sanj76 profile image
sanj76 in reply to Jae85

Thanks Jae

HopeGP profile image

:-( wish you your little angel soon..

Se99 profile image

I'm so sorry to read your story, I just lost my little boy at 22 weeks, I also had bleeding throughout my pregnancy and my cervix was found to be open at 18 weeks. I'm being referred for a pre pregnancy stitch now. I hope you get your funding and can go on to have your rainbow baby x

Jae85 profile image
Jae85 in reply to Se99

Thank you and I wish you the best of luck for the future. So sorry to hear about your little boy its such a terrible thing to go through xx

BECKYDARYLL profile image

Rip Gracie Kate (such a beautiful name), stay strong your an amazing women xx

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