So on the 3rd April I had 2 x 2day embryos put back. They were both grade 2/3 so didn't look good. 10days later we had our positive! Elation was not the word... roll on to our 7wk 2day scan and the clinic advised there was just a scan, no yolk sac or anything (this was done by an internal scan). They advised it could be ectopic, this was on a Friday at 4pm, they took bloods and advised someone would be in contact either Monday or Tuesday as they didnt work weekends. That night I was in a lot of pain so I called my local early pregnancy unit but they advised that the clinic would be negligent if they genuinely believed it was ectopic and hadn't referred me so they only booked a scan in for the Monday morning.
Saturday morning my DH & I decided we needed answers and to know for certain it wasn't ectopic so I booked a scan with ThisIsMy.
At 1030 we went in and the lady was great I told her our tail & she said she would do her best. They perform an abdominal followed by internal if needed..... She put the gel on & started to scan, her first words were, 'well there is the heartbeat' - DH instantly started to cry & I grabbed her arm & asked if she was kidding. She wasn't it was so clear on the screen, undeniable! However, our little one had a heartbeat of 85 and was only measuring 6wk 4days so was 6days behind in growth (the heartbeat should be over 110).
So this is the word of CAUTION, internal scans are NOT more accurate for everyone.
A week later (I cancelled the EPU scan) we went to the IVF clinic to confirm if the little one had survived, but this time we insisted on an abdominal scan. They didn't like it but they eventually agreed. They had trouble finding it but when they did no heartbeat. So we agreed to the internal as they were convinced it would show more, infact they couldn't even find it with the internal yet again! I had to drink loads more water & wait 30mins for them to do another abdominal scan as they hadn't taken any measurements. The next day we went back to ThisIsMy & they confirmed the loss. We just lost all trust in our IVF clinic after the scans.
Its now been 3 weeks since we had our surgical management of miscarriage and we are planning our next attempt.
We have 3 options:
1) Stay with the same IVF clinic (it is private & a leader in the UK apparently) - a company called has a fertility plan in place which makes this option very very tempting
2) Go to the extremely expensive clinic that we found in London - minimum cost will be 10K but they have a 63% success rate with over 35s 80% success if under 35
3) Go abroad - there use a treatment called PICSI which is only just being trialled in the UK.
We have opted for option 3 as our fertility issue is sperm related and PICSI picks the best sperm decreasing odds of abnormalities & another miscarriage.
Please feel free to ask me questions if you like. My Psychiatrist Doctor brother in law has already been making baby jokes at my expense.. if I can avoid ripping his head off, trust me no question you ask will offend Good luck to everyone and here to being part of the 2016 baby club, Andrea xx