Hi ladies, I just though I'd update you on my appointment with the consultant yesterday and also thank you all for your help and support with earlier messages.
We had a late night private first appointment where we showed the consultant our bloods and scans. He checked them all and because we had them all in front of him he basically said "what treatment do you want and when!" I felt so relieved that I cried... in my head I though he would say "no, it's not worth it" or "go and get more tests"
We went opted for personalised care so we will pay a bit more than self funding but get a named consultant and can choose our own times for everything including early mornings, late evenings and weekends. As I have a high AMH 11.2, then 8.8 he said he will put me on the long protocol, and I call with my next period (27/12/16) and will use nasal spray from day 21, so I can travel. It's a big relief that I can travel as I can't keep lying to work ( taking injections to America with medical work people would have aroused suspision!)
At the end of the meeting I was just so surprised at how simple it was and cried again (honestly this process is using all my tears) The consultant also said that at times the process is so hyped up and lots of centres make it more difficult than it should be.
So that's it, fingers crossed for 2017 just enough time to get relaxed and in optimum health. (Limit the Christmas drinking).
Good luck to you all and please get in touch if you have any q's. I'm new in this so prob won't be much help,but can muddle through together!!
Love and prayers