I've got my EC tomorrow and I'm absolutely terrified... I've never had anything done before so never been sedated or anything. I know it sounds stupid but I'm so nervous, even after a long chat with the nurse. I could really do with some comforting stories about egg collection under sedation (I won't be under general) ... xx
EC support needed :( : I've got my EC... - Fertility Network UK
EC support needed :(

I feel the same chick mines Tuesday xxx
As you know BabyD I haven't experienced egg collection but I've had wisdom tooth extraction under sedation as well as general anaesthetic for laparoscopies. I remember nothing from any of them and apparently was responsive under sedation but the recovery was so much easier than under GA. I felt quite happy on the sedation drugs which helped too. It's only natural to fear something new but loads of women have gone thru it and I think the risks with sedation are virtually nil. Enjoy the high and the pain free ride if you can. You've got some beautiful eggs waiting to get out and this is the best way. Good luck!
Thank you! I've never even had any work on my teeth so it's a completely new concept for me - I feel sick with worry. My main fear is that I won't react to the sedation as when I've had local anaesthetic to have two moles removed on two separate occasions they had to inject me about 6 times because I just didn't seem to respond to it!! Xx
I have had egg collection 3 times under sedation, never had any pain or felt anything always woken up in recovery room none the wiser xxx
Easier said then done I know BabyD but try not to stress out, just keep being positive... And it will be over soon, wish you well and hope all is good. We're stil having scans but I reckon sometime next week they will collect eggs from the wife.Follicles are growing well
Aw Hun please try not to worry, I've had two EC's the most recent being last Wednesday and you don't feel or remember a thing. I've had a few GA's (for other things) and the sedation was just like those except you're a lot quicker to recovery. All the best for lots of lovely eggs xx
Its totally normal to be worried. I needed a sniff and i was out like a light. The anaesthetist knows what they are doing though - they will weigh you beforehand to make sure they giveyou the appropriate dose. You'll be wheeled round to theatre and they will put a cannula in your hand through that they will push through painkillers (this will make you feel like you've had one too many, a bit woozy) then they will push through sedative and you'll have an oxygen mask to put on. I was out literally 30secs after they put the mask on. The next thing youll know is about 20-30mins later you'll be super sleepy and be in and out of sleep while it all wears off. Youll be a bit tender and bloated but just rest up and you'll be ok after x
I had sedation with my egg collections and honestly I did feel a bit nervous while my husband left me alone to go 'give his samples' but the actual sedation bit...for me literally I went into the room, laid back and the nurse helped but my legs in the stirrups, she took my hand and said something joking/jovial and the next thing I know I'm in the recovery bit and they're asking me if I want tea lol literally breezed through. I wasn't under proper general anaesthetic but it was really the easiest part of the IVF journey, just lay back and let them do their thing. I had a bit of OHSS After my first collection and was in a lot of severe pain because I had a lot of eggs, I needed cocodomol and all sorts. For my second collection (where I didn't have OHSS) I barely felt anything after though. Just a low ache. Hope that helps and good luck
I had mine Friday it was fine I didn't feel a thing I woke up discussing perfume lol the nurse said before I went to asleep that some ladies stay awake and just chat like they are drunk but don't remember a thing and others go asleep I really hope I wasn't one of the ones to stay awake and chat lol
After I just had a bad headache minimal cramp just think of the reason and it all being worth it in the end xx
Hey BabyD you will be fine on egg collection day you won't feel a thing once there done with you they will take you back in to recovery and when you waken they will take your temp a few times and make sure your feeling alrite then ask you if you want tea and some toast make sure you eat, drink and go to the toilet after it x
Thank you so much to everyone who replied.... here goes!!! I'll let you all know how it goes later on this morning xx
So sorry y9ure feeling so anxious about it. I promise as above you won't feel a thing - before you know it you'll be waking up and it'll be over! I too was very nervous b4 mine but as above it really was one of the easiest bits to get through! I just went to sleep - I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between that and a ga- apart from obviously recovery. Afterwards I had very little pain- just like period pain really. Good luck xxxxx
Please don't worry the sore part for me was getting the tiny needle in the back of my hand (and I'm a nurse). You will come back from theatre and say "is it done".
Good luck today xx