Hi guys, I seem to have baby brain without even being pregnant! Was all set to travel to Olympia tomorow for the Fertility Show only to realise its nxt month!! As I am due to turn 45 in January, it is essential that we do a treatment in November if I want one more try with my own eggs. We are currently considering a clinic in Spain but its not working out any cheaper and the logistics of being out there possibly for some of the time on my own if my OH can't get whole time off work are stressing me out! Can anyone pm me any good experiences with London/Surrey based clinics that are good with us older ladies? I need to make some decisions pronto!! Thanks in advance xxx
Which Clinic for an Oldie like me?!?! - Fertility Network UK
Which Clinic for an Oldie like me?!?!

Have you used the hfea website to see which clinics are near you and what their results are? From there you can then contact them directly to ask for current info to be sent out and even see if they are holding open days for you to attend to see what you think of the clinic feel and the staff there...
Thank u, no haven't done that-think I'm panicking as thought I was going to do all my research face to face today at the show b4 confirming with the Spanish clinic &!now that's all gone wrong! Always like to hear people's personal experience to as well as stars but that is a really good place to start so thank u for the info x
The joy of fertility information...too much out there to make your mind overload!!
You mentioned London/Surrey, is this where you live/work?
I live in Cheam, Sutton Surrey.our last failed cycle was at the bridge, London.as they weren't keen on me trying again with own eggs feel we need to go somewhere where we feel a little more supported in our decision perhaps.
I work from home x