I have one full left over Syneral spray unopened unused what do I do with it it would be a shame for it to go to waste but I don't think you would be allowed to give it away?
Left over Syneral spray: I have one... - Fertility Network UK
Left over Syneral spray
Hi Hun I'm not sure but I have one unopened pen gonal f 900 iu and lots of needles .? Xx
Hopefully someone on here will know what to do with it I think it's a shame for it to go to waste xo
Hi sam84. I realise that you will have looked after your drugs “to the letter” while having treatment, but according to the Department of Health "Medicines Control Agency", it is illegal for a patient to sell or supply prescription only or pharmacy only medicines for another patient. They can only be supplied under the supervision of a pharmacist and if "prescription only", against a doctor's prescription. If the doctor or pharmacist wishes to re-use medicines, the law does not prohibit it, but under their "Code of Ethics", pharmacists must not consider reusing any medicine returned by a patient. Doctors have similar professional standards. The issue really is one of "good practice", in which case, the answer would be "no" unless the medicines concerned were kept at the clinic at all times, as would happen on a hospital ward where medicines can be re-used by other patients. You don't want to risk medicines been tampered with by the first patient - accidentally or deliberately. The only option you have is to take the drugs back to the pharmacy/company from where they were purchased for safe disposal. Sorry this all sounds so formal. Diane
Thanks Diane that's what i will do x
They normally have quite long expiry dates on them, so you could keep them incase you ever want to go private??
Would they use Syneral in FET I've 5 frozen so if I do it again by the way I'm hoping I won have to haha but if I do it will be a FET x