Just wondering if anyone has any advice on getting the tests done for 'sticky blood' otherwise known as Thrombophilia/Antiphospholipid syndrome?? I really don't know whether to pay privately to have them done because it is expensive and I think will cost around £600-£800 and I know I wont be able to get tested on the NHS because I don't meet the criteria for the test of having 3 miscarriages.
I'm concerned about it because I had 3 implantation failures with my IVF (I had good graded day5 blastocysts and everything went well) and also a miscarriage at around 7 weeks after getting pregnant naturally. I was also taking low dose aspirin when I got pregnant and I wondered if that had helped but if I did have this blood condition then the low dose aspirin wouldn't have been enough to have a healthy pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.
It's playing on my mind everyday, do I pay more money to get this test or is it unlikely that I have it and 3 IVF failures and 1 miscarriage are not uncommon. When I had my scan when I was told I would miscarry the DR described 'blood clots' in my womb and this also made me think of the condition.
Anyone else have this condition or have any advice?
thanks x