Hi All, came across this site while doing research, reading some your posts has helped me feel more positive. My husband and I are just at the beginning. I will be starting treatment ( ICSI) in July. I guess my main concerns at the moment ( concerns = scared) is the hormone treatment. I've heard how people can react but not actually spoke to anyone who has gone through this. Any tips on how to get through it?
Newbie: Hi All, came across this site... - Fertility Network UK

Hi and welcome! I have always been on quite low doses and been very lucky to have very little side effects, so try not to panic too much. It is important to stay hydrated (I try for 3-4 litres a day) as this will help. Good luck! X
Hiya. I have found this site really supportive too. I am in day 11 of my Buserelin injections and am really fine, just a bit fuzzy headed sometimes. My first scan is Monday so am anxious that all is going as it should be but the Fertility team are really supportive. My advice is keep asking questions rather than wondering as that builds anxiety. This site is great for that and also speak to your team.
Huge luck with your treatment.

Thanks for replying! Good luck with treatment.
Hiya. I have found this site really supportive. I am in day 11 of my Buserelin injections and am really fine, just a bit fuzzy headed sometimes. My first scan is Monday so am anxious that all is going as it should be but the Fertility team are really supportive. My advice is keep asking questions rather than wondering as that builds anxiety. This site is great for that and also speak to your team.
Huge luck with your treatment.
Hi there,
I'm on day 3 of the nasal spray for down regulating and so far I feel fine. I'm not going to lie but I was anxious more than I realised before my first dose Monday morning. I'm a lot better now I'm finally on my journey I think the build up to get started doesn't help. This site has been a god send as we all help each other.
Side effects aren't guaranteed. Some ladies suffer but others don't or have minor effects, eg bloating, night sweats. I was really worried about the injections but they were fine.
Good luck.
I had very minimal effects from the Buserulin injections. I felt very full and bloated for a few days before EC and my boobs hurt. Its not the drugs that have been the problem for me but the constant delays and things not going according to plan. Good luck. x
Hi, Liz 35! Welcome to the crowd but truly sorry you've found yourself here. We've gone through this path already twice. Our 2 yo Pam is a DE IVF kid. I'm diagnosed on premature ovarian failure. DH is super ok. Some time ago we just decided we wanted another baby. And the way turned to be as painful as it was, I mean its emotional side. Even though you know every other med used on you during the protocol you're still anxious as you keep on thinking about all possible ifs and whens and whys. I guess this is impossible to keep calm in the process. And this is more than just natural. This is normal we get excited about everything new and get stressed if we don't know the details. So you did really well to come here. This site is amazing with its lovely supportive people. I'm sure you'll get lots of helpful hints and wise words here
We've recently got our positive with the Ukrainian clinic. Waiting for the safety edge.
I wish you all the best of luck with your treatment. And do not think too much about how your body reacts on the hormones they'll use. We're all different, our bodies doing well and just quite well, but our cells help us with this mission, that's for sure. Get prepared - eat healthy, do exercises, take vitamins and supplements your doc recommends and try to think positively. God bless you XX
Thank you Marmo. Reading all the replies has helped me feel better. I am so glad to have found this site. I am just feeling scared of all the unknowns- how am going to react emotionally to all the meds they pump into me? Then is this going to work? So far I have just been taking things as they come. But all of a sudden my emotions have got the better of me.
Hey, feels like only two minutes ago since I was writing my first post saying hello...
I'm now Day 6 of short protocol. Sore tummy; forgetful; some bloating; painful rash after one injection that goes after a couple of hours. Not had huge bloating or cramping ovaries or felt sick with big boobs... I've wanted every side effect going just to prove it is working!
All that is fine ... What I wasn't prepared for was the stress and pressure you're putting yourself through and your relationship through. You can't plan; control or predict anything. You're tired and emotional and end up taking it out on your partner. That's harder to deal with than the injections.
Do read; do ask questions. Try not to google the life out of everything. At 3am. Follow people on here and don't be afraid to ask questions to them.
Good luck xx
Hi Emu2016, Thanks for replying. It's alot to take in isn't it? The emotional rollercoaster is what I've been anxious about. Probably more so as my hubby works away. He will be away when I go through the hormone treatment. I have avoided doing too much research, as you are right. You can't plan for the unknown. I guess you just have to take each day as it comes.
Good luck to you.
Hi Liz35 good luck with you ICSI treatment. I think it is always hard first time round as you do not know what to expect really and everyone reacts differently.
I have gone through 6 rounds of ICSI. I was ok with the drugs. It certainly helped me get over a massive needle phobia. I actually found when I had things to do (i.e. taking medication etc) that I was very much in control. I knew that I was doing everything I possibly could.
You will need to have a number of scans and blood tests to see how the follicles are developing and they will let you know when to do all the trigger drugs to ensure mature eggs are ready for collection. It is really important to be spot on with the timing for those.
The egg collection is also fine. I had ranges of feeling uncomfortable to more pronounced pain but again everyone is different. Minimal amount of spotting after the procedure.
Then waiting to find out how many many eggs, how many fertilised and fingers crossed for a date for implantation (which is not uncomfortable, feels like a smear test but just for longer).
The hardest thing I found was feeling REALLY BLOATED (again everyone is different), the lovely pessaries and the dreaded two week wait. Trying not to overanalyse and worry about a tweak or a simple thing (so hard for us not to do that).
From a purely scientific perspective I found the journey amazing and interesting (how weird am I).
Try to relax, pamper yourself a bit and if you feel like having a shout or cry - just do it.
Wishing you all the best. Hopefully you will post again to let us know how you are doing on your journey.
Hi DC13. Thanks for replying. I will definitely keep posting. It's good to talk to people who are going through the same. Though I wish none of us had to! My sister said the same about If I need to cry....just do it! It does help.
Don't think you are weird at all for thinking it is amazing! Years ago we wouldn't have this option!
Good luck to you too. Take care x
I so remember feeling like this! At first it seems like the most overwhelming process, but once you start it's simply a step at a time. Think about it like that and each stage is fine and actually quite exiting/fascinating sometimes!
On hormones I was very swollen at the end and was a little highly strung at times. Hubby was ready for it and ignored me. Drinking lots of water and walking daily helped me a lot.
Everyone reacts differently, but this group is great and make sure you follow people at a similar stage and post if you're worried. There's so much kindness and experience here.
Good luck! Xxx
Hi Daisy14, thanks for replying and your advice. I just want to get started so I can end this waiting game!
Good luck to you x