Hi ladies,
Its wonderful news that clinics in the UK are resuming treatment and that it's pit a spotlight on the anguish it has been causing us that have had treatments cancelled or put on hold.
I'm really trying to raise the profile of us ladies/couples that are having treatment abroad, I know its a lot more complicated but when I watch the news around aviation and flights resuming its all about people wanting to go on holiday and I feel like we have been forgotten. I have wrote to my local MP who said they will raise my concerns with Ministers in Health and Social Care, I've emailed through the gov.uk website, tried to send an email to Matt Hancock and also emailed news channels to see if they can raise the issue. I understand safety is the main priority but they need to look at how treatment,travel can resume to a new normal with measures in place.
I think it would be great if we could all stand together to raise this issue or if anyone has any ideas??? I/we need to have some hope xx