I got a BFP yesterday OTD but started bleeding, I went to the early pregnancy unit had bloods to measure my hcg which was 99 I go back Sat for repeat blood test. Anyone know if 99 is good for test date or been in a similar situation? Thanks xxx
Can anyone help??: I got a BFP... - Fertility Network UK
Can anyone help??
Hey button
These are good on otd mine were 87 48 hours lasts they were 687....
Some clinic say a thing over 25 others say 50 so either way you are on your way. Try to relax and rest, keep away from google it will drive you insane. I know a lady that had 14 to start she is now nursing 2 baby girls now and they are cutie pies. Xx
Wow that's amazing and thanks. Trying to relax and I slept well last night, just don't get all this hcg stuff. Just want it to be tomorrow so I can have my next blood test and get an indication to what is happening X

My understanding is the hCG needs to double within 48 hours to indicate an ongoing pregnancy. As it's too early to scan at this point, this is the only thing they can do. Perhaps you can request an early scan as well for peace of mind? They can do this at 6 weeks. I hope your numbers double. x
That's TLove the early pregnancy unit have been great they are going to monitor my hcg and as soon as it gets to 1500 they will scan, also have my scan at the clinic on 17th June. The bleeding seems to have eased hardly any today and feel more relaxed today so fingers crossed xxx
Hi Button123. Your hCG level is OK, so hopefully by the morning it should have at least doubled, if not more. fingers crossed for tomorrow. Diane
Thanks Diane fingers crossed xxx
Hi button ... how u feeling ? Hope u r trying to relax .. all sounds good to me. Can't even imagine how u r feeling x I'm in the dreaded 2ww. Just wanted to ask u a few questions if that's ok. What cells were your embies at ? Did u have any implantation pains/beading ? Also what made u test early as u didn't last time did u? Did u feel like u should ? Xx
Hello don't feel to bad and have managed to relax watching films most of the day, it's not a nice feeling worrying and wondering but nothing I can do but stay positive and hope and pray 🙏🏼🙏🏼
My embryos where average quality both 8 cells, I didn't have any bleeds or pains. I only tested early as figured after last time it wouldn't work so was amazed to see a BFP ❤️
Where's abouts are you up to now? X

I have a 6 cell and a 8 cell average quality .... I'm only 3dt3dy ... my otd is 7 June but I'm thinking 5th to test ... i have no idea how to get through the next week and a bit x so nervous it's not gonna work .... xxx
Hope all goes ok tomo x
Ohh Button, I'm sorry to hear that you have had some bleeding. This is quite common in early pregnancy as I'm sure you know. Though not really much you can do except to take it easy and keep an eye on things. Keep checked out. I know that doesn't sound very encouraging, but it's the best advice. A doctor will be able to help you more than anyone else. I really hope it stops soon and you can get on and enjoy your pregnancy. Love debs xx