I have just finished my first transfer and the 2 ww,. We did the test on Sunday but sadly the test came back negative. I went back to clinic today for a blood test just to be sure, but can anyone tell me what happens next !!! I did ask as I want to start my next round asap, ( my age is a big factor), but they said just wait for the outcome of test, which of course I am but I know am not pregnant and I have to wait for my period to start, but will it 21 days after when I can start my down reg again .so many questions my heads in a daze.....
Can anyone help: I have just finished... - Fertility Network UK
Can anyone help

I had my first failed cycle in October/November and I wanted to start straightaway with round 2, however with hindsight it was probably best that it didn't happen that way. I'm 42 so understand your eagerness to start again but you're probably best to give your body a rest from all the hormones and prodding and to recooperate emotionally too.
Our clinic did a follow up appointment after the negative test to discuss next options, but for me it was too soon after the shock of the negative test so if I'm in the same position again I would wait a week or 2 before seeing the consultant (we're private so can basically get appointments whenever we like).
When we saw the nurse last week about starting our second cycle she said that the first round is often like a trial run and now they know how my body responds so hopefully we'll have success this time.
Hope you get better news next time.
Thanks pm27 yes I know your right just feel a bit lost at the moment and so many things going round in my head . I'm going to be 47 at the end of the year and this baby would have worked out perfectly for us, so hence my eagerness. We are private too and have 2 frozen eggs left which I think I want both transferred this time as this will be our last time for sure, my age and the emotional rollercoaster is overwhelming and I really don't think we could do this a third time.. How about yourselves are you ready to start again now having time to reflex. Fingers crossed for both us.
Hi its great news that you have 2 frozen (are they eggs or embryos?). A frozen embryo transfer is far less stressful physically than full cycle IVF, although you do need to take some hormones for a few weeks.
I was super keen to have my frozen embryos transferred after my failed IVF but in my case had to have surgery so had no choice but to wait a while. If I was in your shoes I would just get back in to see the consultant and understand your options, but take some time out to eat & drink what you want and relax a bit before you get back into the process again in a few months time.
Good luck xx
Thanks Katrina13 they are 5 day blastocysts ,good quality ones as was the one I have transferred. I think the whole process will be quicker so I've been told as I don't have to sync my body with anybody this time, so fingers crossed can start after period, going to book a holiday and have a bit of us time think we need it thanks for replying x
I hope you get success with your 2 frozen embryos, we didn't have any embryos to freeze so we've got to start again from the beginning.
Just waiting for day 1 and then off to the clinic to check everything is OK before starting injections.
Good to hear from Katrina13 that FET is less physically stressful. The consultant said that they might freeze any embryos to allow my hormones to settle before implantation 3 or 4 months later, I'm not so keen on this option as it means more waiting but will follow the advise of the clinic.
Hi, sorry to hear about your negative result. Fingers crossed the next time will be successful. I had a failed round of ivf in October - & was advised by the dr to give my body 6 weeks to recover before starting again. I decided to wait until after Christmas & new year and began icsi in January. Thankfully this round was successful i got a positive test 2 weeks ago.
Good luck x
Hi Bunnikins. Sorry to hear of your news. On Friday last week we got news of our second failed IVF :-(. I took a two month break in between but more especially because the clinic closed over December for a few days and also because my Dr said we can try naturally in Dec as you become rather fertile after the cycle. We also have 2 frozen embryos from the second cycle, 1 not really a quality the lab wanted us to freeze but we insisted we wanted 2 and the other okay, not as good as the previous 2 put in. Hubby does not even want to do this again because of the emotions and stress and also knowing they not the greatest embryos. However i'm sure I can convince him and will start treatment on day 2 of my next period in a months time. I pray that both our frozen embryos will survive the thawing process. Wish you luck.
Hi. We had a failed round in January so I know how you feel. We only had 2 eggs collected and both of them fertilised abnormal. We therefore had nothing left to even freeze. Nothing was put back and it was all suddenly over.
We have had a review meeting and the Dr recommended that we recover physically (he said ovaries need to recover from what they have been through), and also emotionally we need to recover. You cannot go into the next round feeling so down.
We have to now make the decision whether round 2, (which financially is only last go as well as we are private) is attempted again with my own eggs, or with donor eggs.
If we had the money we would have another go with mine then try donor but it's looking like I will have to accept mine might not be good enough. I am 42 in April.
Keep positive, you have some eggs left. Recover physically and emotionally and then go again. Doing it too soon could be a waste as your mind and body won't be ready.
You are not alone. I know how you feel.
Thanks to all for replying and your supportive words it really has helped. . The clinic have just phoned and confirmed I'm not pregnant and they'd like me to wait at least for two periods, I have an app booked on the 16th March to discuss it. I'm using donor eggs joheyworth1 we got 6 and 3 fertilised , transferred one and two frozen my eggs were just not working and time not on my side either, plus being private too, but I do feel we have made the correct decision . We are going to book a holiday think we both need the break and its something to focus on. Good luck with round two vinkeshgp I wish you all the luck in the world. And to you Twins1981 fantastic news and gives us all hope for the future. Good luck to all and may we all be blessed in the future.