Well today was official test date, woke up tested got another BFP as had been testing a few days before so felt on top of the world. Then by dinner time I was bleeding quite heavy brown/red blood, rang the clinic they told me to go to early pregnancy unit where they did bloods that need repeating on sat and a quick internal where she said everything looked OK and my cervix was closed (good sign apparently) so now have the agonising wait til sat to see if the hcg has risen ππΌππΌππΌ Trying to stay calm and positive but frightened as hell π’
What a day!!!!: Well today was official... - Fertility Network UK
What a day!!!!
Oh god what a worry I hope all is ok I really do , you certainly deserve it . Just rest loads . Xxxxxxx
Thanks Hun x
Try not to stress, this happened to me on the day I officially tested as well!!!! They offered me the blood test you had but I was already 4.5 weeks so decided to wait for a 6 scan. They never gave me an explanation for it, it's just one of those things. Have you booked in for an early scan as well? Hope it will all be ok for you. x
That makes me feel better, scan booked in for 17th June but she said today if and when my hcg gets to 1500 they will scan, also wants to sign me off work for two weeks X

I think when you bleed in pregnancy, it's standard to prescribe rest. I had a second bleed at 18 weeks and my GP signed me off for a week to rest, she said its standard procedure. Maybe take the opportunity to do that, it doesn't mean you have to have strict bed rest, you just have to relax at home and not do anything strenuous.
Defo plan on a good few days doing nothing and then see what Sat brings X
Fingers and toes crossed for you. Take care of yourself xx
What a stressful day for you, try to remain calm and rest up as much as you can id definately be signed off. Did they say what your beta hcg result was today? Good luck for Saturday, hope all goes OK. Xxx
Oh my days, what a day for you indeed! Take it easy!! Got everything crossed for you!x
Hope it all goes ok Button, you must be all over the place but try and relax, put your feet up and look after yourself xx
Thinking of you, how scary. I really hope that it works out ok.
Hang in there button!! It seems like you are in good care and great news that they have signed you off. It's great that you will have some more clarity on Saturday. Stay positive x
Hang in there honey we all feel your pains. Massive stickiness to you. Xxx
Good luck Button! How upsetting and difficult for you - stay positive though. Many of these threads mention that bleeding in pregnancy is very common! Get out some films and TV and take your mind off it for a bit xx
Congratulations & good luck with everything. All sounds very positive, exciting times. Like somebody else said find a good distraction to try and take your mind off it, easier said than done I know xx