A little miracle happened today - Fertility Network UK

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A little miracle happened today

42 Replies

So I went to the hospital EPAU today as arranged by the scan place on Sat, who had told me no foetal pole or heartbeat, just a growth which looked like a partial molar.

To my astonishment I went along expecting the worst but accepting this was now closure and then the sonographer said would you like to see and there it was a foetal pole and heartbeat, me and hubby were totally gobsmacked. I do have a growth in the sac which is unconfirmed they’ve said it could have been a foetus which hasn’t developed or possibly a fibroid but will scan again in 2 weeks time.

They said they will always check what these private scan places tell them and the sonographer only saw this growth but obvs didn’t check enough. What I don’t understand is today’s scan was abdominal only and Sat that lady said she couldn’t see on abdominal so did the internal and showed me the growth in the sac.

I’m going to contact Window to Womb tomorrow as I’m not happy, and I’d hate for anyone else to get such devastating news which could be incorrect.

I thought I was 7 wks 3 from last lmp but they’ve dated me 6 wks 5 today. So still the foetal pole would have been there on Sat.

Also thank you for all your love and messages on my previous post. Xx

42 Replies

Oh that's such amazing news. Thank you so much for sharing. I would definitely complain about all the undue stress you have been put under. Here's hoping for a stress free rest of your pregnancy xx

in reply to

Thank you for your kind words xx

baby2016 profile image

Aw what a lovely and amazing update!! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy runs smoothly xx

in reply to baby2016

Thank you! X

LegoBatgirl profile image

Thanks for sharing, hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy x

Rowly88 profile image

That's lovely news, congrats xxx

destiny121 profile image

Ahhh wot a lovely story.... someone cares about you up there.... 😊wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx

in reply to destiny121

Thank you Hun xx

CC2018 profile image

So happy they were wrong. Positive thoughts for the rest of your pregnancy xx

Mantaray75 profile image

Thats fantastic news. I had a scan at 7 weeks which didn't show anything and then a week later got a heartbeat. It was a complete shock. x

in reply to Mantaray75

Ah congratulations to you too 💕

Autumnmoon profile image

How amazing such a shame you had to through that stress but wonderful news congratulations x

in reply to Autumnmoon

Yes I got the best result in the end. Thank you x

Flimzee profile image

What lovely news and a wonderful outcome! I am so pleased for you xxx

in reply to Flimzee

Thank you x

Wishfully profile image

So happy for you, congratulations! 😊x

Firstly congratulations how amazing. Hopefully you can relax and enjoy now.

Secondly I would most definitely let them know. I’m sure the sonographer just said what they could see as it’s not often clear but what a stress to cause. Also at our epu they have a fabulous new machine which shows everything so clearly but the other machine is older and like night and day and the images are not fabulous. Maybe your private person needs a new machine? Xxx

in reply to

For what they charge I think a new machine should definitely be ordered. Thank you! X

Lucylu_88 profile image

Wow, what a rollercoaster for you. Such amazing news, so sorry you had to go through that though. Wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy xx

in reply to Lucylu_88

Thank you Hun x

clarecare80 profile image

This just made me cry, all the best! Such amazing news! Never give up x

in reply to clarecare80

Ah thank you! Still a long way to go but trying to think positively from now on xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Wow. You must be so relieved! Congrats xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Yes words can’t express x

Cinderella5 profile image

Wow this is great news! I really hope things continue well at your next scan. It may well just be that the dates werent quite right and you ovulated differently so later implantation etc. Im guessing the first sonographer wasnt as thorough or is was just too early, its always a risk when having an early scan that they cant see all that they need to and things can change so quickly. Good luck and keep us posted.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

I will do! Thank you Hun xx

Billywhizz10 profile image

Congrats on your baby. I'm sorry to hear what happened to you.

Don't stress out about the incorrect scan. In a way, its no-one fault, and you should focus on your exciting new baby.

We were close to 8 weeks when we had our first scan, as didn't want false readings (which happened to us before at 6 weeks. Most IVF clinics offer a 6 week scan and speaking to my wife's uncle ( a consultant) he doesn't know why, as they are often in-accurate, its just too early for some mothers.

I guess the cynic might say the clinics do it as more positive results can be posted on their stats -(as unfortunately less women would be still pregnant at 12 weeks, than 6 weeks).

It worth remember that on the NHS , you have no scans until 12 weeks, full stop. There is no easy answer, I know after we do cycle, get a blood test and get confirmation of BFP, it would have been torture waiting for months, but sometimes its just as bad getting an early one and its wrong.

Congrats again!


in reply to Billywhizz10

Thank you. I was offered the early scan at EPAU because of previous ectopic, then I paid for the extra scan because of spotting and was already thinking the worst. I have little patience too 🤷🏾‍♀️X

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to

Praying all goes well for the future and you have a healthy happy baby with you soon!


Really happy for you & hope the next scan goes well. I’m sorry you went through that. ☹️ All the best xoxo 😘

That’s good news x that’s the only thing going for scan early there’s more likely see nothing no heartbeat etc better to wait til after 8 weeks as its causes so much distress. X

in reply to

I agree I think scans at 6/7 are far too early. xoxo

in reply to

I had an early scan at EPAU due to previous ectopic, then paid for the private one cos of spotting. It’s too late now, but I’m just relieved it’s worked out. X

Just makes you panic more of little bean isn’t big enough. I wanted a scan early after my 1st mc like it would make a difference but it doesn’t really. I hate scans awful experience have such anxiety thinking about it.

in reply to

Me too. I am terrified of my 12 week scan, because of last year getting bad news at 6 week scan ( even tho I knew I’d lost the baby) 😳 xoxo

in reply to

Everything crossed for you Jess xx

Wow fantastic news!!! So thrilled to read this! love these positive news stories so inspiring for the rest of us, I had a blighted ovum MMC and dreamt of that outcome every scan.. its super to hear it can happen sometimes! Good luck for the next 8 months! xx

in reply to

Thank you sweetie and so sorry to hear of your losses. Xx

TerryNaples profile image

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! xxx

Snez84 profile image

Such lovely news and I’m so glad all has worked out - congratulations!

Just as an FYI, I’ve just read an article in the Daily Mail about scans. There are two stories included about ladies who had scans at Window to the Womb and both had been given incorrect info. I’m not sure how many branches they have or whether it’s the same one xx

in reply to Snez84

Thank you! Oh really, I’ll have to look it up x

Oh my gosh! This is amazing but also awful because of what you’ve been through. I hope all is ok for you and this is your rainbow xx

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