I had my ET last Wednesday, one healthy embie on board! Symtoms so far are cramping, sore boobs but know that can be due to the progesterone, frequent urination (although I am drinking lots of water) I now seem to be going for a number two more frequently (sorry for TMI) which makes me think my period is on its way😢Has anyone else had similar symptoms and got a positive test? We are not due to test until 25th....
Two week wait driving me insane! Advi... - Fertility Network UK
Two week wait driving me insane! Advice needed😜
Hi lozza97!! So glad you've posted this!! I'm also going through my 2ww (test 21st) I've had the same feeling very sick, sore boobs and headaches. The cramping I've had have felt like dull period pains, but twice today I've been doubled over so now I'm really worrying about it. It's horrible waiting isn't it!!
I hope you get the result you want on 25th, I'll be thinking of you!! Xx
Bless you EmJayne91, it's an awful waiting game that no one can prepare you for! Both myself & my husband are constantly on google looking for some encouraging signs!
Try not to worry, easier said then done I know, I can only imagine what we are experiencing is normal! I have fingers crossed that both of us get a positive result😉
Good luck, will be thinking of you on 21st xxxx
Thank you lovely!!
I sit next to a pregnant girl at work, I was having a little wobble about my cramps this morning, she's reassured me that she felt like it the first few weeks. I've still no bleed so I'm still within a chance I guess!!
This whole process is just so tiring isn't it!! Xx
I feel your pain, I am on 2ww I test on 26th May. Best advice keep busy x
Try to avoid Google and hold out until OTD. The side effects you are describing could be due to the progesterone, if you were pregnant naturally you probably won't even know it at this stage.
Hopefully you will get that BFP.
Hope you're hanging in there Lozza! It sounds brutal!! Fill your days with lovely, happy things to do if you can ☺️ Or do what kids do on Christmas Eve, go to bed nice and early every night so tomorrow comes quicker!! 😂 x x x
I'm also on the 2WW and it is also driving me crazy!! As for the number 2 question - I have also been going more often and it has been more like diarrhea. This can also be a side effect of the progesterone pessaries though so it certainly isn't a symptom one way or another. I've been through this twice already and I'm telling you, I felt exactly the same both times. First time it was BFN, second time BFP. Hoping for a lasting BFP on the 25th. Good luck and try to keep yourself busy X