I just spoke to the nurse today after bleeding started 3 days after they transferred a good quality blast the bleeding has slowly got heavier and heavier until the last couple of mornings it's soaked through my bed sheets the nurse just said I'm really sorry it doesn't look like your cycle has worked this time. I'm 7dp5dt has anyone had anything similar happen to them? We are both devastated feels like its over before its even started!
First IVF failed π’: I just spoke to... - Fertility Network UK
First IVF failed π’

Aw so sorry to hear this, I came on last time before my OTD its horrible xxx
Big Hugs xxx
Ditto day dream I didn't want to read and run either... Sorry this has happened xx
Thankyou we are devastated need to her strong again before we try again I think xxx
so so so sorry to read it....stay strong ...... it is not in our hand....how poor people we are....
Hey. My first ivf attempt ended at 7dp5dt too. Obviously not meant to be but I remember how robbed I was that I didn't even make it to the end of the 2ww. But in hindsight, and with some more failure under my belt, I have to say that if it isn't to be then it is so much better to find out early so you can grieve and look to the future.
In some ways it can be worse to get to the test and get a negative (1st cycle I started bleeding 2 days after BFN). Really sorry it hasn't worked out X
So sorry to hear this. I bled before by OTD on my first cycle of IVF so know what you're going through. Nothing makes it feel any better except time to grieve and time to heal. Take care of yourselves xx
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this, it is extremely painful and seems so terribly unfair. It happened to us too and I had no idea it was even possible so it was such a blow.
We gave ourselves lots of time to recover before starting our FET and we insisted the doctors looked into why we bled so early. This time we are having progesterone injections rather than suppositories and it seems to have worked as we are now 6 weeks pregnant.
Please take time to cry and process all that has happened but please know it's not over yet. Sending love xxx
I'm so sorry to hear this lots of love x x x
I was in this exact situation 4 weeks ago we had a 5 day blastocyst at a good grade transfered 8 days in I started to notice pink when I wiped. Then the day after it just got worse and worse very heavy bleeding with clotting!! We was devastated and still had to attend test day which we knew we would get BFP waiting for test day just prolonged the agony!! As the weeks go by it does get easier to deal with but I still go through days where I will just burst into tears no matter what it's still a loss and grieving process you have to go through!! We have our review appt with our clinic on the 6th June I've done a list to go through them although I know we won't get an answer as to why this happened just what could have gone wrong!! I know exactly what your feeling right now but remember it's not your fault!! Keep your chin up and hopefully you will be able to feel better in a few weeks these things take time to move forward with it does get easier I'm now back in a full routine at work which life a little easier!! Big hugs xx
Thanks hope84 it's so hard isn't it I lost my dad very suddenly last year so I feel like the last two years I've been none stop grieving π’ Keep hoping things will turn round. I think I'm going to need to get myself mentally strong again like you said and ask lots of questions at our review our official test day is Sunday can't wait to get it over with now! I hope your review appointment goes well will you keep me informed how you get on? This is such a difficult journey my work have been so good I'm having half day back today as I feel like I need something to take my mind of it all xxx
I can totally relate to this Mayaudrey. My Dad died of an unexpected illness a couple of years before we started trying and when it didn't work, it just felt like a double loss. I did go to counseling for bereavement (Cruse are excellent) and that helped me to separate out the 2 losses because if you link them, you put loads of pressure on yourself and get doubly disappointed when it doesn't work. I'd definitely recommend Cruse - they are completely free and experts in managing grief. Love to you and fingers crossed for a BFP xxx
Yes I'll keep you informed just take each day at a time. Sorry yo hear the news about your dad once test date is out of the way it will be a weight off. I found waiting for test date was prolonging the agony for us!! We have a frozen embryo to use but we have decided to wait until next year now!! X
Oh darling! So sorry to hear that!(((
My first cycle i bled 4 days before my test day and my last cycle i bled exactly week after transfer.
Its really painful to realise that the dream is over aspecially having almost 2 month ( thats how long my cycles lasted roughly all together from first tablet/ injection) building the hopes up!
I know the feeling too good.
I wish you good luck in the future but for now take your time and grieve, be kind to yourself! X
Oh. So sorry to hear. Sadly this happens and you just need to think of it as your first trial run. My first round also didn't work and after taking some time to put everything back in perspective, we are now ready for a second round with a FET. Take courage and patience. It is not an easy journey and you just get stronger with it all. Take good care of yourself and know that it isn't your fault. Lots of love your way xx
So so sorry to hear this. Sending loads of love. It is horrible. So so sorry xxxxx
I'm so sorry. I also just found out my first attempt didn't work. It really hurts. No matter how realistically you approach the whole thing, it's still so hard. Sending a hug.
So sorry to hear this...x
Sorry for your loss. My husband keeps need going as he says it's just one step in the process..... Difficult to think like that but I do believe he's right. I have been meditating with circle and bloom. This cycle and it's helped me a great deal. In managing my stress levels.... Might help when you are ready to try again x