So after our first failed IVF cycle the findings showed we can only concieve with ICSI. So that's our next point of call. Reading up on it, I've heard some talk that ICSI gives you a heightened chance of having a girl. Is this true? Are there any ICSI parents or anyone that has insight into this?
ICSI Boy or Girl?: So after our first... - Fertility Network UK
ICSI Boy or Girl?

Also heard that there are many increased risks for the embryo. Have any of you guys had any proof/experience with any of that?
I read something about because they choose the best sperm and it's not a natural process ie strongest fighting it's way through it can cause issues if the sperm isn't the best. We are also having icsi so understand your concerns xxx
I had icsi and am now 30 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy. Good luck xxx
I have two wonderful, healthy twin girls from ICSI IVF. Girls rule!
Two gorgeous twin boys from Icsi - love them - such fun!
We had a boy with out first attempt at ICSI
Beautiful baby girl from icsi
Baby girl from icsi.
The theory behind you having more chance of having a girl is that the boy sperm move faster so if you're having standard ivf , you will have more chance of having a boy. With icsi the embryology person has to hand pick the sperm and because the boy sperm move faster they are harder to get hold of, hence why there is a slight increase in the chance of conceiving a girl with icsi x
Hi, we had icsi and to be honest I'd never heard anything about this, I was probably a little oblivious. We were so lucky and it worked first time for us and now have a beautiful 5 month old little girl, good luck I've everything crossed for you x
We have a girl too. I'd never heard that girls were more likely. Everyone reckoned we were having a boy due to my shape. She was a gorgeous surprise.
I read an article which said normal IVF was something like 52% boy, 48% girl whereas ICSI is 50/50, so not huge amounts of difference. It also said it depends on some sort of fluid that clinics use during the process as some are more boy friendly whilst others more girl friendly. And I also heard that girls develop more slowly than boys so if you have an embryo that's taken time to catch up to the others e.g. I had 2 frozen on day 5 and 1 frozen on day 6, then that's a sign of a girl. No idea how true this all is. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant from ICSI with a boy and there are a couple of others on here went through ICSI cycle at same time as me and pregnant with girls. Good luck with your cycle.
Can I please ask if you are using your eggs from the first cycle? Like you I'm going to be egg sharing and have always wondered what happens if it fails first time! Good luck xxx
Sadly my fertilisation failed, none of our eggs fertilised but the woman who got the other half of the eggs from me had a successful fertilisation and is pregnant. We were just really unlucky that our healthy sperm just didn't seem to want to talk to my eggs so I'm doing another egg share cycle with another lady this time and we are doing ICSI and hopefully we'll get it this time and conceive
But the lady who received my eggs first time is still pregnant and going strong apparently so a first time can happen xxxx
Good luck to you my dear! Xxx
Thank you for replying as I have always wondered if you can share again. I look forward to hearing your news. I have our appointment for counciling coming up before we start I honestly hope it's not another few months. It's nice to finally speak to someone that's going through what I'm away to start. Xx
You're welcome you too!
You can share 10 times I was told also, we were told we were really really unlucky not to have fertilisation with normal healthy sperm on IVF. Like it's a 1 in 100 chance or something stupid. So hopefully you'll get a few little embryos and if not you can try again with ICSI as I've done
we'll get there in the end.
My councilling session ended up being about 2 weeks before my start of the injections but mostly because they had a woman lined up for me before I'd even started. It's actually quite a quick process. There are so many ladies waiting for eggs so the match process isn't too long. What I found took the longest was syncing mine and the other lady's cycle? So if the other lady isn't sure of her cycle it may take a month as they will put you on the pill to put you in sync with each other. That's the longest bit but once you've found a lady it won't be any more than 2 months for sure good luck! I hope to see you have good news soon too xxxx