Worried: Hi Everyone Firstly i'm so... - Fertility Network UK

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Positive2022 profile image
53 Replies

Hi Everyone

Firstly i'm so sorry for the lack of posts recently. I hope you are all doing okay, wherever you are in your journey and i'm here for you all. It's been a highly emotional couple of weeks and it's really hit me today. Feeling very tearful as I write this post.

Almost 2 weeks ago, we got our first ever BFP. It was amazing. I took a few days to let the news just sink in. One week ago, i had a small bleed followed by another bleed on Thursday. I have been spotting since. I was seen in the early pregnancy unit on Thursday morning and they did a scan which looked okay but they could not confirm viability as it's too early. I'm awaiting another scan at the 7 week mark. Bloods were done which apparently were okay. The thing is as I was seen in the morning, i think they thought the bleed had stopped but since then it's just continued (not heavy, just spotting). I know this can be normal in early pregnancy but I can't help but feel so worried and this morning I can't seem to stop the tears. It's been hard juggling work, time off travelling to appointments and just feel completely physically and emotionally shattered. I don't know how i'm going to get through the next week. I'm thinking of phoning the clinic on Monday but i'm not sure there is anything else they can do??

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Positive2022 profile image
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53 Replies
Kempton profile image

Hi Poppy. I can't offer any advice but I can totally sympathise with what you're going through and share my similar (?) experience.

I started spotting sometime after 5 weeks and was just so stressed out I had to leave work for a few days. The hospital said it was too early to see if pregnancy was viable and so I just had to wait it out until 7 weeks.

At the 7 week scan they found a very strong heartbeat instantly. I can't even explain the relief.

I don't know if yours is an ivf story but the worry doesn't ever go away. I guess just try and be positive and keep yourself busy and distracted - but nothing too strenuous! As long as you are only spotting I think it's OK. Go out and do something fun today to take your mind off your worries.

I'm due in less than a month and the worry is always still there in the back of my mind.

Good luck and I hope it all goes well when you get your 7 week check up!

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toKempton

Thanks so much for your reply and this has really given me hope. I do hope everything goes well for you in the coming month and that you've been able to enjoy your pregnancy but i can understand how the worry never completely leaves your mind. Wishing you all the best and sending love and BIG hugs xxx

Laura_beth profile image

Hi Poppy,

I’m sorry to hear your first few weeks of happiness have been so stressful.

I know it’s easier said than done but at the moment I don’t think there is alot more you can do apart from rest up.

You could always phone your clinic today for piece of mind rather than wait until Monday. Mine have out of hours answerphone so I’m sure somebody would get back to you.

I was told mine might even prescribe some additional oestrogen if they we’re concerned about anything so it is always worth talking to somebody, even if all they can offer is reassurance.

It is super hard trying to juggle work/treatment/life, especially when your body is adjusting to everything. Don’t forget you can always sign yourself off for 7 days sick if thats an option at your work?

Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toLaura_beth

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I think i'm just feeling so tired and we've had a lot of running around to and from appointments / work / life commitments etc that itbhas all just caught up with me. I'm keeping positive and if things contijue over the next 24 hrs i'll give my clinic a ring just for reassurance purposes. I do hope you are doing ok? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

Tugsgirl profile image

Hi Poppy. No advice except to say that spotting seems very common, at least I see it a lot on here, and the ladies are always told that it’s wuite common. I had some spotting on my first pregnancy after ivf and my clinic assured me it was quite normal. Are you still doing pessaries as they can sometimes irritate the cervix? I did go on to have a missed miscarriage but ironically that was nothing to do with my spotting. I understand it must be a very worrying time for you. Thinking of you. Keep us posted xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toTugsgirl

Thanks so much for your reply. It never seems to get any easier does it but it is reasurring to read that spotting is common and can be normal. We've had so much running around with work / appointments wtc that it's all caught up with us I think. I'm so sorry to hear about all you have been through and I do hope you are doing ok? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

E_05 profile image

Hi Poppy, sorry these last few weeks have been so stressful for you. I can totally understand why your so anxious but I to have read so many posts that women have had spotting or bleeds and gone on to have successful pregnancies. I would say just try and rest up as much as you can, maybe take some time off work if you can. I don’t think there’s much your clinic will be able to do, thinking of you xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toE_05

Hi lovely, thanks so much for your response. I think it's all caught up with us to be honest as it's been quite a hectic couple of weeks with one thing and another. I am having a 'duvet' day today with nice food and TV, snuggled up with my cats. I think that I just have to wait for the 7 week scan and hope it goes well. How are you? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toPositive2022

Sounds like a good idea, I really hope the week goes quick for you. I’m okay thanks just waiting for the end of the month now really xx

TTCs profile image

Hi Poppy149, this must be very stressful for you, no wonder ur exhausted! Spotting in early pregnancy does seem common but understandably you're going to be worried. I would suggest ringing your clinic, if nothing else for peace of mind. They'll know best :) im sure little bean is jus getting comfortable in there x

Positive2022 profile image

Thanks, i do hope the month goes quick for you too. The waiting can be the worst sometimes can't it ?!? Take care and let us know how you are getting on Xxx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply toPositive2022

Thanks Poppy149. The waiting is truly hard. We got a BFN yesterday so just going through the motions of dealing with it all xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toTTCs

I'm so sorry to hear your news. It's such a cruel journey at times. I'm here of you need to talk. Take care and sending you BIG hugs xxx

TTCs profile image
TTCs in reply toPositive2022

Thank u x

Poppy16 profile image

Really sorry to hear of what you are going through. Like some of the other ladies have said,spotting can be common in early pregnancy. Try and get plenty of rest. You don't need the pressures of work etc at this time so maybe take a few days off, get your gp to write you a line. I know that even a couple of days can seem like an eternity when you are waiting for a scan let alone a week. It won't be long until next week though. It's a good sign that there isn't heavy bleeding, just spotting. Thinking about you right now and wishing you all the very best for your scan next week. Take care.xo

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toPoppy16

Thanks so much for you reaponse. It really is so reasurring talking things through. I'm definitely going to see how i feel by tomorrow and if still spotting will contact my clinic on Monday and maybe have a couple of days off. I think with all the emotions and running here there and everywhere it's all caught up with me a bit. I do hope you are ok? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

Poppy16 profile image

Definitely consider a few days off. Will do you good. You need the rest. Your emotions will be worse as well as you are pregnant-all the hormones. Ring clinic anytime if you can or midwives at your local hospital to put your mind at ease. It is awful the worry of it all. I know how nerve wrecking it all is. I am ok thanks. 27 weeks pregnant. Xo

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toPoppy16

Thank you so much. I don't think the hormones are helping tbh. Wishing you a very happy and healthy pregnancy xxx

Poppy16 profile image

I always think you feel more emotional when you are tired during pregnancy so definitely rest and rest! Listening to music or reading helps relax the mind too. Even mindful colouring as well. Xo

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toPoppy16

Thanks yes that's really good advice. I'm having a VERY quiet weekend just relaxing at home. Same to you lovely, lots of rest and relaxation xxx

Violet5451 profile image

Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed and praying that your little embie is fine and is just settling in. I’ve heard lots of stories with spotting that have positive outcomes so don’t give up hope. I too and waiting for my 7 week scan and I know how hard it is. Seems like bloody forever away. We are doing all we can do. The rest is up to fate. Have faith lovely girl that you and your strong embie will be ok xxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toViolet5451

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. I do hope you are doing okay also. It's so hard the waiting isn't it?!? I'm staying as positive as I can. Don't think the hormones are helping at the moment! I have everything crossed for you that your 7 week scan goes well and you have a happy healthy pregnancy. Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

Violet5451 profile image
Violet5451 in reply toPositive2022

Yes it is really hard. I think every pregnancy is scary but with us girls who have tried so bloody hard to get pregnant- when it happens it is just petrifying that it’s going to end. The wait is worse than anything. It’s like you are in limbo. I think that’s all we can do is keep busy, distract ourselves and hope for the best. And have faith that these babies are meant to be. Keeping everything crossed for you lovely and sending all my love xxx message me anytime if you want a chat x

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toViolet5451

Thanks so much for your kind words and support. As you say it's the thought of it all going wrong after trying so hard for so long. I'm here also if you need a chat, feel free to message me any time xxx

Dunla profile image

Hi Poppy, just wanted to say I’m so sorry that you’re having a difficult time and that things have been so stressful and worrying for you. I’m thinking of you and hoping so much that everything is going to be ok for you. Sending lots of love your way 💗 xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toDunla

Thank you so much for your response. I think we've had such an emotional hectic couple of weeks that it's definitely caught up with me. I actually fell asleep for a couple of hours this afternoon (very unlike me!) And do feel a bit better for it. I hope everything is going okay for you? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply toPositive2022

You must have really needed some sleep, you’re obviously so exhausted from it all. Try to get as much rest as you can xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toDunla

I think i must have needed it for sure. Thanks so much for your amazing support. I'm here if you need a chat yoo, message me any time xxx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply toPositive2022

Aw thanks, I will indeed x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Awwww lovely, I know exactly what your going through your similar to mine in my last pregnancy. I'm hoping and praying everything is fine my lovely and your just one if them ladies that experiences bleeding in pregnancy with everything turning out to be ok.

Big hugs lovely the stress is immense and it's hard to think if anything else but your baby, try rest and keep your mind occupied lovely best way you can. I really hope things are ok and your finding hope from the ladies that have bled and are far along in pregnancy now. Them stories kept me going. Big hugs lovely. You've got lots of support here 💗💗🤗😘😘

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toAllWeNeedIsluv

Thanks lovely so much for taking the time to respond. How are you doing? I hope you are okay. I think it's just been a hectic emotional couple of weeks which has caught up with me. I'm praying that everything is okay and will give my clinic a ring if spotting continues. Feel like i'm phoning them all the time at the moment but would rather have my mind put at rest then worry. The support on here is truly amazing and I don't know where i'd be without all you fabulous ladies and gents. Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply toPositive2022

I'm ok hun just not very well. Got my follow up with mc clinic in March.

Are you on pesssaries? ring as much you need too its, a worrying time whatever makes you feel better you must do. You've supported so many of us lovely now it's your turn Big hugs to you and lots of love and posotivity coming your way 💗💗🤗😘😘

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toAllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you so much for your kind words and for your support, means so much. I'm so sorry to hear you're not well at the moment. I really hope you start to feel better soon and I have everything crossed that your followup appointment in March goes well. Likewise, sending lots of love and positivity your way too. Take care, i'm here if you need a chat, feel free to mesaage me any time xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply toPositive2022

Bless ya. Your a sweet heart. Thank you lovely and you too my inbox is always open do keep is updated lovely. Thinking of you 💗🤗😘

Bumpwanted profile image

Oh Hun I have been there with both my pregnancies and it's super tough!! I bled really heavily through both pregnancies, so many times I thought I had miscarried but all was fine each bleed and I spotted until 16 weeks!! To get through I took loads of tests and just looked for line darkness to comfort me.. we also paid for private scans when I had big bleeds on a weekend! Do whatever u can to get through it! But remember bleeding is really really common in pregnancy!! And really does not mean it's all bad, I think of it as baby getting snug and growing causing the uterus to bleed as it invades new parts of the uterus xx big hugs I know how hard this bit is!! Xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toBumpwanted

Thanks so much for your response, this has really given me hope that things will be okay. It's such a worrying time isn't it and never seems to get any easier. I've taken about 8 tests so far (just to keep telling myself it's not a dream) and all have had dark lines or said 'pregnant'. I left work so stressed on Thursday after visiting the ladies room and noticing another bleed, i'm sure people noticed something was very wrong but not intending on announcing anything until the 12 week scan (if we make it to that stage). I'm going to call my clinic if spotting continues. I do hope you are doing okay? Sending love and BIG hugs xxx

in reply toBumpwanted

Hi I have just been reading your post and it must have been a really difficult time fir you. I am five weeks and got a bleed on Friday. Very fresh then some clots. Not nearly as heavy as some but still not spotting. Lasted for 5 hours. Probably a super plus pad in that time. Been brown and getting less. I found EPU useless. Just because you are under so many weeks they can do nothing to help. I am going fir HCG privately tomorrow to see what levels are doing. Your post has given hope as I have given up. I still have sore boobs but put that down to ivf drugs. Strangely I don’t feel pregnant any more but not sure if that’s in my head. It’s goid to know miricales happen so thank you and good luck xx

Bumpwanted profile image
Bumpwanted in reply to

I am so glad I made u feel better! My bleed was really heavy with big clots!! Very scary but baby was fine xx did u get your levels checked ? X

in reply toBumpwanted

Hi yes levels checked today and gone really low so did miscarry. Just one of those things. Big hugs xxx

Bumpwanted profile image
Bumpwanted in reply to

Oh god so so sorry Hun I know there is nothing I can say to help, do whatever you need to to get through this difficult period xx look after yourself Hun xx

in reply toBumpwanted

Thank you lovely. Going to have a big glass of wine and hot bath. Missed both of these. At least we got pregnant and have two embryos left. Luckier then many I suppose. Thanks again for your kind words xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

So sorry to read this. You deserve your wine and hot bath. Such a small consolation I know. Thinking of you xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to

I'm so very sorry to hear your news. Sending you love and BIG hugs. I'm here if you need me xxx

Hi poppy

I hope you’re able to take the week off work and just put your feet up whilst you wait to find out what is happening. Rest is important for your mental health as well as your pregnancy, and you’re justified to take time off sick in this circumstance.

During my last miscarriage they were able to confirm everything was over at 6weeks 1day, so the fact that your bloods were ok last week is a very positive sign.

Good luck for your seven week scan, I’ve got everything crossed for you x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

Ps I always thought I wouldn’t announce until 12 weeks but actually, having had two miscarriages, it’s not been helpful to me for it to be a secret and I found it’s easier to get support if people know what you’re going through. If you decide you do want to tell people, that’s ok too. Xx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

Thanks so much for your response. I'm really sorry to hear abput your miscarriages. I do hope you are doing okay and have good support. I've had a very quiet weekend and plan on having a quiet week as well in the hope that 7 week scan comes round quickly and is okay. The support on this forum is jist amazing and i'm overwhelmed with everyones kind words and advice. Thanks again. Sending love and BIG hugs. I'm here also if you need a chat at any time, feel free to message me xxx

So sorry for the hard time you are having. I had a bleed on Friday and can’t wait to be seen as EPU won’t see me as I’m only 5 weeks. We had ivf so having to take drugs for another two weeks to no avail would be hard also I just need to know. I am paying fir an HCG tomorrow morning so will find out. Not holding out much hope. Although not overly heavy and only for 5 hours I just don’t feel pregnant any more. Maybe getting some private tests done could settle you to although so far you seem to be getting good care. Sending you big hugs and bundles of hope xxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and i'm so sorry to hear you have been having a difficult and stressful time. It never gets any easier does it? I really hope your HCG gives you the results you're hoping for. Please don't give up hope yet. I don't think the drugs and hormones help. The not knowing about what's happening is definitely one of the hardest things and I do understand how difficult it can be to stay positive. I have been very kucky with the care that I have received. I was seen very quickly and have been monitored very thoroughly. I think the only thing i can do is wait and see what happens. Do you have good support? I'm here if you need a chat, feel free to message me any time. Sending love and BIG hugs also. Take care xxx

Thank you lovely. This whole process turns us into such stressed worriers. I will pop on and follow you. Keep everything crossed for us all on here. Such a journey for us all. Big hugs and relax as best you can xxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to

Thanks lovely, same to you, rest up as much as you can and take care xxx

sony008 profile image

Hi Poppy! Yes, I knew you are worried..and your first week of pregnancy when ladies enjoy and express their happiness you are facing it worries.I just hope and wish in the second week you are not feeling this kind of any symptom..every pregnancy is different and every woman facing different difficulties.I was also in this condition but after few weeks things are going normally. I wish in your case you also face some positive things in future.Good wishes....

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply tosony008

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and i'm pleased to hear things have settled for you. I do hope you are doing ok. It never seems to get any easier does it all this worry!?! I'm just looking forward to getting the next week over with so i can have my 7 week scan. Thanks again and sending you love and BIG hugs xxx

Positive2022 profile image

Thanks so much for your response. Just looking forward to getting this week over with so I can have my next scan. I do hope you are doing ok? Take care and sending you love and BIG hugs xxx

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