Hi everyone, I am desperately clinging to any hope here. After getting my first ever bfp following our first round of ivf icsi I am continuing to bleed. I'd be 4.5 weeks now. It started 3days before positive as light & watery red, continued like that for 5 days but has now gone to a heavy like period and has been like that for 4 days. Some very small clots. Having to wear pads. No pain.
My periods are usually only 3 days and light so this is far from normal. I'm still getting positive tests but I've read that doesn't mean your safe. I waited 5hrs at the hospital today to get a beta but they say they need to do another in 48hrs before they can tell me if the baby is ok. I feel like I am going out of my mind and crying all the time.
Has anyone had bleeding like this and the baby survive?