I had FET on 16/11 and today was test day, the test was negative and I haven't started to bleed or anything yet what do you guys think my chances are for it being positive at the next test (next Thursday) x
Test: I had FET on 16/11 and today was... - Fertility Network UK
So sorry to hear your news....just got BFN last week so feel your pain.
They may say continue with meds and check again in 48 hours.
Once you stop meds bleed will come that week.
Good luck
This is my third try (1st frozen) I've never made it to test day the first time I bled 2 days before the second time I bled the day before so I knew I was fucked before I even done the test.
I just wanted it to be positive or change x
I had a 5 day FET transfer previously and started tested from 10 days.
I got negatives up until day 14 when I got positives on clearblue digitals
OTD was day 16, but the clinic test was very weak even though the CB still showed positive....after a week of various blood tests and scans, it resulted in a chemical pregnancy/miscarriage, but the test results can change to positive news over the space of a day..so never give up!!
2 weeks after my insemination, when my test is due (today) I too got a negative. Last time this happened with my 1st round they said to wait till the following Wednesday and do another test as my period hadn't come either. For me I knew it was hardly unlikely for the test to be wrong and indeed my period came 2 days later on the Sunday but I am in exactly the same situation now. I would say the chances are slim but definitely worth seeing through as it can happen x