When did everyone have their scans? - Fertility Network UK

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When did everyone have their scans?

Spongy profile image
16 Replies

Sorry everyone for so many posts today... I'm feeling really anxious.

I just called my clinic to register day 1 of cycle and starting to inject fsh tomorrow. They have booked my USS for next Wednesday. Does that seem too long? 8 days before a scan?

I'm just having a panic day! Hope some of you lovely ladies can help xx

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16 Replies
Blondyboo profile image

i think im on a different protocol to you but I started injecting last Friday and my first scan is this Friday so 7 days x

Tlove profile image

Sounds about right to me. But did they also scan already to make sure you have not ovulated and have no cysts before starting fsh? I had a scan a few days before starting fsh. Scanned on a Wed, started fsh the following Fri, scanned again a week after that. After that, I had a scan today, one tomorrow and then hope for ec on Thurs. The scans get more frequent as you approach egg collection. 8 days at your stage seems normal on that basis. I think that 7 / 8 day scan is mainly to make sure you haven't got overstimulation of the ovaries. The subsequent scans show how well the follicles are growing.

Anyway, I'm a believer in the fact that I'm paying out so much money, I don't hesitate in picking up the phone to them to ask any little question. So if you're in doubt, give them a call.

Best of luck with it, I'm coming to the end of my fsh and it's not so bad. Just annoying to have to keep it in fridge and take it same time every night! Get them to explain properly how to do it, the pen can be a bit strange at first.

Spongy profile image
Spongy in reply to Tlove

Hey, thanks so much for your reply. I'm not having another scan before. I had one before starting microgynon for 3 weeks as I have absolutely no cycle when left to my own devices. So they had to use Microgynon to stimulate a bleed so I can start. I wonder if that's why I'm not being scanned now?! Kinda hope so.

I'm hoping I won't be too sore of the fsh as on clomid I only ever free one follicle and when I did it was agony!!!!

So scared about first injection, thanks for your support xx

Sad_panda profile image

I'm on a short protocol, had scan last Monday, started Gonal F last Tuesday and had another scan today. Got another on Wednesday.

I've also been really nervous about injections. I've had a really busy time at work and had to do one in the ladies loo at work one night last week, plus trying to fiddle around mixing Cetrotide isn't much fun when you've had to get up early. But I find having my husband nearby reassuring me I'm doing it right really helps.

Spongy profile image

Ah that's good your hubby is there to help. Well done you managing all that with work though, I don't think I could.

Iv decided to take a little time off work unpaid for my treatment as I just found getting cover all the time too stressful. I also have quite a lot of stress in my day to day job and I found it too much to handle. Probably seems over the too but I guess we are all different.

My hubby can't help me as he is leaving for work at 6am so I'm on my own!!! Fingers crossed I will get it right!!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment, I would live to know how you get on if you don't mind letting us know xxx

Sad_panda profile image

I wish I could take extended leave but work has been a good distraction. My bosses have been very good about me taking what I need but this morning was incredibly stressful having to be out for the morning at the hospital just as some really important stuff was happening at work. Everyone says to me that I should focus on myself and the procedure but I'll just feel worse if something goes wrong at work because I've not been there or not focussed.

I will keep you posted, this place has been such a help since I got started!

Spongy profile image

I think I just got to the point that I couldn't concentrate at work. I completely agree it can be a good distraction and I'm probably just being a drama queen by taking time off to be honest. I feel so guilty.

Yep it's been great for me too although sometimes I do worry that im not doing the right thing!

Thanks so much for replying x

Sad_panda profile image

Oh my god, I just noticed this morning's injection has left a bruise! It's quite big, I guess I must not have pinched the skin properly.

Spongy profile image
Spongy in reply to Sad_panda

Oh no! Is it sore? Bless you x

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to Sad_panda

Don't worry - this happened to me a couple of times too. It'll die down but mine took a week. Best position for injecting is to actually sit down and bend slightly forward - it creates a natural roll of fat in your tummy! I also found that if the needle hurt a little as I put it in, it meant I was hitting a blood vessel and this is what causes bruising. It shouldn't hurt too much so I found another spot. I'm on a different protocol to you lovely ladies, I have buserelin injections and my fsh is the gonal F pen, no mixing. I have to take mine in the evenings, does make it awkward, especially when it needs to be stored cold. I'm lucky with my job - my boss knows what's going on and we agreed I can work from home this week. If I didn't have that possibility I would have taken the time off too. EC week is a busy one! Don't feel guilty about missing work, getting a successful ivf cycle is more important. I am sure it has been a long journey for you to get to this point. Work is work.

Spongy profile image

Hi TLove,

Thanks for the reply. You've really helped to put my mind at rest a lot.

I'm doing my first injection at 8am and it's the gonal F pen. Im going to try what your recommended tummy texhnique!

Then I have some others to mix which I add in this weekend.

Good luck with your cycle, how far through are you? X

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to Spongy

Hi Spongy,

I'm almost at the other end of it! Tonight is my last gonal F and I take pregnyl tomorrow, which I discovered I have to mix! Yikes. I had a little practice, should be ok. Egg collection is Friday - I only have 3 good looking ones but sure we'll go with it now anyway.

With the gonal F, I managed to mess up 2 of my pens and they leaked past the plunger within the pen so were no good after the first use. The only thing I can think of is that I was priming the pens but you actually don't need to unless it is a huge air bubble. Otherwise, they are so easy to use. Kind of like using a pipette in a lab, if you've ever done lab work. The drug itself stinks though, smells slightly agricultural!! :-)

Best of luck injecting, it is so strange at first but the gonal f didn't hurt me as much as buserelin. It's also best to take it out of the fridge in advance to warm a little before injecting.

Spongy profile image
Spongy in reply to Tlove

Oh good luck with you mixing tomorrow. It's all quite scary isn't it?

When I pulled out my pen this morning there was a tiny drop on the end. The dial had gone back to zero though bug I'm worried I missed some of the dose. Did this ever happen to you?

I have everything crossed for you for Friday. Do you have any more scans before then? Remember it only takes one egg.... !

Is this your first round? X

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to Spongy

I did have a little drop left on occasion, I think that may be why you count to 10 after administering. The nurses all say as long as it goes to zero it's all fine. At one point though I had quite a lot in the reservoir of the needles when I pulled it off the pen so I don't think I got much dose that time!

Yes, my first time so I'm nervous / excited. It's been a bit of a journey to get to this point! I had been told I was quite fertile last year as I seemed to get pregnant easily (they all ended in miscarriage) and then nothing happened for the last year so I pushed for more tests and my amh came back low. It's moved quite quickly since then, I am going private in Ireland. I don't know why they don't just test everyone's amh levels when they start trying, since amh seems to be such a major thing. It's all a bit of a learning curve really.

Spongy profile image
Spongy in reply to Tlove

Oh gosh it sounds like you've been through quite a journey. It's my first cycle too and I don't know how I feel. Iv had a very different journey to you. I came off the pill 3 years ago and have never had a period since. They've diagnosed severe pcos for me and despite surgery and clomid they could never induce ovulation or a period. Hence how we ended up at IVF.

I really hope all goes ok for you at egg collection and onwards, do let me know, I will think of you.

There are just so many hurdles in this process I'm trying to just take each injection one step at a time.

All the best xx

Tlove profile image
Tlove in reply to Spongy

Best advice I got was not to think too far ahead and just concentrate on one day at a time. In my head, I had been thinking as far as the test result and beyond but I'm finding easier to take one day at a time now and just concentrate on today's set of injections.

Everyone's story on here is so different and all so difficult for those involved. I hope your cycle is successful for you, would be fantastic if the first cycle is successful!

Sending positive thoughts and baby dust your way! x

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