Hi ladies
I'm 11dp 5dt of two grade 2 and 3 embryos & pretty much since day 2 I've been feeling so much like AF is about to arrive. Periody cramps, lower back pain (which I don't usually get), and lots of twinges. I'm noticing more cramps at night I think and I am constantly rushing to the loo thinking my period has arrived - it's almost like I think I can literally feel it coming out! Maybe that's the pessaries!
It's just so so tough the whole not knowing, & having never been pregnant before I have no idea what the symptoms are like.
One minute I think to myself that yes, I think it's perhaps worked and I actually am preggers, & then inevitably I get ahead of myself imagining me & my husb seeing the positive test etc, then the next I'm convinced it's failed & it will be back to the drawing board. It's so up & down. Been feeling tired, rather windy (!), weeing lots and got tender-ish boobs, but am putting most of that down to the progesterone pessaries.
Anyway, not sure why I've written all this down I suppose I'm hoping someone will tell me they experienced these symptoms & got prego I guess!
Wishing everyone reading this lots of luck with their journeys X