Yesterday I was 7dp5dt and I had cramps in my inner thighs ( exactly where I get them when af is on the way). Then to my horror when I went to the toilet and wiped I had started spotting. My period always start with spotting😫. I’m absolutely gutted does this mean it’s all over already? I’m so confused. In all my previous FETS my period has never started in the 2 week wait. It normally comes a few days after I’ve stopped my meds.
I still have cramps this morning. I have no other symptoms whatsoever. My period wouldn’t be due for another couple of weeks yet but does doing a medicated cycle change everything?
Could everything be a bit irritated down there from the pessaries and the fact that my transfer was quite uncomfortable? Am I clutching at straws and this is actually Af on the way?
Was so hoping for a Christmas miracle. I don’t know why I got my hopes up this time, I was ill when I started treatment and my lining only just scraped being thick enough and didn’t have a trilaminar appearance before transfer. 😕
Anyone had a similar experience and got bfp?