I had a frozen egg transfer on 1st July, and took progesterone/ oestrogen.
I miscarried on 25 July, at 6-7 weeks, passing grey matter that looked like the sac.
Have been in and out of the Early Pregnancy unit (EPU) for scans and hcg tests.
Scans showed nothing in uterus. Hcg rose from 80 to 130 to 260.
Was on ectopic watch with 'pregnancy of unknown location' (PUL) diagnosed.
Then uterine miscarriage suspected. I came off ivf drugs and had another heavy bleed and thought it would be over.
Was told to retest in 3 weeks and if negative then ok. Retested 2 wks later and got strongest positive line ever, prompting further scan.
Told nothing in uterus and to wait another 3 weeks to retest. Progesterone was v.low. Just tetested 1 & 1/2 weeks later expecting fainter line. It's still a strong positive.
Have a 3rd scan at EPU booked for a week and a half's time. If neg. test. I will cancel, however I suspect it will be a positive.
Have had light bleeding for 5 weeks, (alongside x2 big mc bleeds).
Have felt mild pressure in pelvis and shooting pain up my rectum when needing to pass stools (sorry for the tmi).
I'm scared about ectopic but hospital said on the phone that I am not in an emergency situ at mo. and booked scan, so I am reassured to be seen again.
I wonder why the hcg is rising. I would be 12 weeks pg by now. It is a worty. I just want it to be over.