On hold....: Hey ladies What a... - Fertility Network UK

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On hold....

β€’18 Replies

Hey ladies

What a blooming nightmare we were all set to sign consent forms on Tuesday and went to see a lady that specialises in acupuncture for IVF and she stopped is dead in our tracks and said Point blank NO DO NOT USE to the clinic we were going to use.

I am so so so confused as this is our last chance and I need to be sure. I know we all focus on what results the hospital success rates are but surely is it not our bodies and luck?

Anyways we are going for the NK test and then need to choose a clinic again after already spending 500 out of pocket.....

Any one been to THe LIster Clinic or Create? Anyone heard of DR SHeata?

This is the choice I need to make.

Good luck in this horrid journey 😘

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18 Replies
DSan profile image

Hi Tamtam1, did your acupuncturist say why she was so anti your clinic?

In my experience, different acupuncturists have different opinions of the clinics. I went to 3 different ladies for acupuncture. One of them being a lady I have been going to for the past four years was out of the country when I started the treatment so I went to a second lady for treatment during the stimulation phase who definitely did notlike the clinic I was attending or my consultant. She recommended to me yet another acupuncturistme to do the acupuncture during transfer as she would be away during my transfer. This third acupuncturist actually praised the clinic I was with and said it was a great clinic and spoke very highly of the consultant.

I don't think it's right that they should influence your decision in such a way unless you ask for their opinion.

Don't let this put you off. If you've done your research then go with the clinic of your choice.

Also some acupuncturists actually may work with certain clinics so maybe her opinion is biased for that reason.

As a last thought the Lister clinic is one of the ones that was recommended by the 2nd acupuncturist I saw.

Best of luck xxx

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi Tamtam1, why didn't the acupuncturist like the clinic your attending?

I think what's important is that you feel comfortable with the clinic and the staff and if their success rates are good I can't see any reason to change unless your acupuncturist has given you a good reason. Of course if her comments have really put you off then you should change as you do need to feel that you're done everything you can to ensure this works!

Good luck whatever you decide! x

Hey ladies

I told her who I had been too before and what I had been through.... She expressed her concern and said that the current clinic which is new doesn't have good results and the current consultant that I have seen is not a specialist she didn't actually recommend another clinic other than create of whom we were so close in going to previously.

Tbh I am tired, emotionally and physically tied part of me just wants to give up its hard and draining and not 100% guaranteed where ever you go.

We will do the NK test first and then figure it out from there, never been so confused in my life 😒

Lily-white profile image

Our friends used the lister clinic and they have a beautiful 3 month old girl now. I don't know what Dr they had though xx

Thank you love.

I think maybe it's the Lister....

Kernishp profile image

Hey hon- so sorry to read this- it's all you need :(. The doctor that we ended up with at our clinic was the 'new' doctor and we were bumped from the list of the 'better' doctor as he was 'too busy with other patients' 😑. In hindsight I am eternally grateful that we ended up with the doctor we did as he really listened to us and worked with us to create the cycle we wanted and needed, he was excellent at managing our fears and I don't think the 'better' doctor would have done this. I'm sure over the next few years we will see he has emerged as one of the top IVF consultants in the region- we all have to start somewhere. It's very naughty of the acupuncturist to have put these fears into your head, I would talk to the clinic in question about it directly and tell them exactly what she said and make my decision after listening to what they say- it may work in your favour as they may now go out of their way to prove the acupuncturist wrong. Really hoping you get some good news soon. X

in reply to Kernishp

Thanks my lovely we wee all set to sign consent tomorrow but have now since cancelled and delayed 😒

Hoping you are bump are growing 😘

PennyPrimrose profile image

Hiya, with the greatest respect to your acupuncturist she has absolutely no right 'advising' you which clinic to use, and certainly shouldn't be warning you off anywhere. In fact she could get herself in to serious trouble doing this. Aside from the obvious ethical issue of her warning you off a clinic, she's not going to have practised on every person who has been treated there and therefore cannot have a balanced opinion on it. I would do your own research into it all and make a decision between you and your partner rather than taking what she's saying as gospel. I'm actually really shocked that she's done this, it sounds very unprofessional. There's more to a clinics success than whatever it is she's heard from what I'm guessing will be a minority of the people being treated there. Go with your own instincts. Hope you get it all resolved! Good luck with it all xx

in reply to PennyPrimrose

Thanks for this my love, honestly I have been in complete turmoil since she advised us against it😒

You are right and thanknyou i was totally comfortable with them probably a few more questions I could have asked but it's not too late.

This has really helped xx

PennyPrimrose profile image
PennyPrimrose in reply to

No worries at all, this forum is so good for getting a general opinion on things isn't it. One thing I've really learnt so far is that each IVF/ICSI journey is totally different, in fact it can be quite hard sometimes on here to find an exact answer to a specific question because all our treatment differs from person to person! Which is why she was wrong to make a statement like that to you. What I'm trying to say I suppose is to go with your gut instinct and what you feel comfortable and happy with. I feel really sorry for you that you're busy doing what you've heard is the right thing (acupuncture/relaxation) only to have your acupuncturist throw this at you! Nightmare! What does your partner think about it? Xx

in reply to PennyPrimrose

He was as confused and upset as me think more so cos he saw me suffering and stressing about it all, sometimes they don't know what to say, he will support

My decision either way but was extremely upset by it, not to say what she said was nonsense but I hated what she did. Perhaps I will go to her for acupuncture and not mention where we are going as I really am comfortable with chelsfield from the onset. Who knows xxx

PennyPrimrose profile image
PennyPrimrose in reply to

Is there anyone else you can see for acupuncture as it might get a bit awkward if you feel you can't be honest with her, and if you do tell her you don't want her negative vibes planting doubt in your head every time you go. Yes I know what you mean, my husband is incredibly supportive but I do always feel that he's slightly confused by everything..! He tries to find out as much as he can but gets it a bit wrong. Eg. he thought HE was going to have to give me my injections in my vaginal wall...?! I was like er I think you switched off at some point during the egg collection talk and then started listening again at the nightly injections point πŸ˜† God it made me laugh!

Have you spoken to the clinic at all about what the acupuncturist said? Xx

in reply to PennyPrimrose

Hey hon

No I have not yet spoken to them but will though.

Also looking for another acupuncturist too.

Men eh 😁

Done my NK test today waiting on results...

How's ur treatment going? Xx

PennyPrimrose profile image
PennyPrimrose in reply to

Good luck with it all and keep us posted, got everything crossed for you.

I'm due to start my injections when I get back from hols on 15th September, in the meantime I'm on the pill again till a few days before that so they can control when my period starts! Excited and nervous! Xx

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to PennyPrimrose

Sorry to butt in Penny Primrose but I was reading the replies to this message and I saw the comment about your hubby and it made me laugh out loud! You couldn't make these things up! My poor hubby seemed completely confused by the whole thing too. He nearly fell off his chair the day they told me to take the trigger shot. He looked so shocked the nurse asked him if he was ok. I genuinely don't think he realised that was happening until that point!!!

PennyPrimrose profile image
PennyPrimrose in reply to Hopeful1982

Hahaa I know, it makes me LOL whenever I think about it! Dopey sod! I keep trotting the story out much to his embarrassment πŸ˜† Bless them, it must all be very confusing and perhaps even more terrifying for them than it is for us well informed wives! Xx

Little3535 profile image

Which clinic had she told you not to use in at the Coventry one and I'm just waiting on going to my On a unk test I would recommend them if your not to at away xx good luck xx

Hey hon

Don't think I am allowed to post clinics on here but she said avoid the one I already used twice and avoid the one I am thinking of using now.

Tbh Primrose hit the nail on the head and said that's not right, the more I think about the more angry I become as she could be talking about a handful of women that got negative and feeling angry about.

I feel comfortable with them and will be asking many more questions about their process before handing over anymore money, going for NK bloods tomorrow lets see what that brings back.

In answer to question I am way far from Coventry but thank you.

Good luck with your journey 😘

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