Really struggling today to come to terms that I have lost this second battle to get pregnant after losing baby after 8 weeks, waiting on natural miscarriage, times are hard but received these words today:
"When life seems like a mountain that's too hard to climb....may you find the strength to take just one more step. When your journey seems just too hard to bear....may you find the courage to face one more day. When you feel lost and you don't know which way to turn.....may your faith and trust lead the way. And when it's hard to believe that things will ever get better....may you look inside your heart and find hope. Remember that every storm passes and sunshine and brighter days always follow rain. Know that my heart is with you all and I'm wishing strength, courage, faith and trust that these hard times will pass"
I know that I need to grieve and get back to normal life as scary as it may be, the sooner I do the sooner I can plan my next move, trying to stay positive is a constant battle but I've known for 14 years that this was going to be a fight i just didn't realise how emotionally draining it was going to be. It's difficult when people say you just have to pick yourself up.....but they will never know because they have never experienced having to have help to have a baby and then to lose it, so frustrating.