I knew my DH had low count, motility & morphology but received a letter today saying his count is only 3million per mil with very poor motility & morphology. For some reason I thought the count was (although low) about 15million per mil, which in my head gave the embryologist a chance of finding a few decent swimmers. I know poor sperm can effect embryo fertilisation so I'm keeping everything crossed that all goes well with our first attempt using ICSI. We'll find out soon enough as we start injections in 3 wks (long protocol) & I'm super excited already x
Still surprised by how bad his sperm ... - Fertility Network UK
Still surprised by how bad his sperm sample is ...

Hi Poochi, I don't know much about this issue as not in the same situation so can't comment from experience, however I'm sure for your ICSI they will find a few decent sperm to use- it only takes one! They know what they are doing and deal with these issues all the time, so I'm sure they will do all they can to maximise your chances! Good luck for your upcoming cycle xx
Hello. I know that can be a shock. But my hubby has the same issue. And we have always had fab fertilisation with icsi. So try not to worry. They do know what they are doing. Good luck. ️Xx
Thanks WeeMrsH & Piglet12, I'm sure you're right. I'm not going to stress over it until told otherwise. Good luck in your journeys xx
My hubby has got a low sperm count, 2 million after washing, plus poor motility and morphology. The advantage with ICSI is it doesn't matter that they are poor swimmers and the embryologist picks out the best looking shape wise. Out of the 13 eggs 11 fertilised but in the end we only got 2 viable embryos with our first attempt. The way I look at it is our chances with ICSI are much better than leaving it to nature.
Our consultant put us both on Vit C and E and high level folic acid to try to improve the quality of our DNA as he explained there isn't any they can do to increase the quantity of his sperm.
Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Hello, I agree with the others. You only need one good sperm so you have every chance with the icsi. Has your hubby tried the wellman tablets? I've heard they're good for improving sperm quality. Might be worth a go. Good luck! x
Hi Hopeful 1982, yes he was taking wellman but the clinic advised Menavit is a more complete supplement but is only available in Australia. After £120 in costs to import he's been taking them for just over a month. Really hoping they help. Good luck on your journey x
Hi my husband and I have the same problem!!! His count etc is low and we also start icsi hormone injections in 2 weeks!! So excited but so scared!! I have low amh levels and endrometriosis so fingers crossed for us both!! X x
Hi Poochi, We had ICSI due to my husband having the same a low sperm count and move movement we were very lucky it worked for us the first time i am now 15 wks. Like WeeMrsH said it only takes the one decent sperm and egg to make it work. Don't think negative think POSITIVE. My hubby at the time tried taking showers than hot baths to increase his swimmers does your hubby drink or smoke? mine likes his beer alot lol but he tried cutting down on it i think that did help a liitle as we were told his swimmers had increased from the test he had done at our clinic when we had our treatment to the tests he had done at his doctors. I wish you all the best with your treatment xx

Congratulations, that's amazing news! Yes I am very positive & we talk as if we are already pregnant haha. He did like his beer but has only had 2pints in 2months, has lost a stone in weight (he was a healthy weight anyway) & he's exercising & eating really healthy. I think some men just get the short straw. I'm gonna have everything crossed that ours works first time. I'm so excited to start with injections even I mustn't be right in the head. Have an amazing pregnancy xx
I stuck my hubby is loose cotton boxer shorts, he took Wellman and quit alcohol and coffee. His sperm count doubled and we no longer needed ICSI. I am not sure if it will help you but if he is up for it maybe it is worth a try? Either way I agree with Piglet, they can do wonders even with poor sperm results using ICSI, so try not to worry too much xx
Hi katrina, he does wear loose boxers & doesn't smoke & has had 2 pints in 2months. He was also on wellman for 6months before he changed to Menavit. Very happy that you're husband has had such a good result. I'm hoping we'll have an improvement buy EC day at least xx
I understand you being excited to start the injections. I was the same. It's because you feel something positive and proactive is happening that might actually get you a result, after endless years/months feeling like you're fighting a losing battle. I get it!! xx