I know we are only at the start of our journey but gutted that once again again my husbands sperm count is below 2 million. With no signs of motility and morphology. Not sure where we go from here .
Second poor sperm count : I know we are... - Fertility Network UK
Second poor sperm count

Hi dear don't worry your doctor will let you both know what your chances are.
Our case is similar too
Thank you ! Everything just seems so intense at the moment! Baby shower invites , people asking when are you having a baby etc.
Ask them when they’re going to learn how to be mindful that not everything works out as expected for everyone and that every time someone like them asks you a little of your heart breaks. It will make them feel awkward. Lesson learned. They won’t ask anyone ever again. 😉 x
Hey Annie1609 im a bit slow responding to your post. I know it’s really hard when you get results like this. My husbands results were really poor at the beginning with low volume, 0% morphology and terrible motility too. I’ve since had him on a series of antioxidants and his results have improved dramatically. Volume and motility doesn’t matter too much as long as he has some, they don’t really need to swim if they do ICSI but the morphology does matter. My husbands changed from 0% to 3% after I put him on these supplements:
Ferilsan M - male feritility supplement
Ubiquinol 300mg
Probac -probiotic
We then saw a fertility nutritionist and she has put him on the following:
Condensyl - male fertility supplement
Pro-seed plus- instead of Ferilsan M
Continuing with Ubiquinol
Lion Heart - Omega 3 oil
I really think the Ferilsan M made a huge difference and if you read up about them people have had fantastic results with them.
My nutritionist never gave me a reason why Pro-seed plus was better but I just bought them anyway but do your research, either of them will definitely help but he needs to be on them at least 3 months but I’d say even 6 months but they really take effect and he must be religious in taking them. My husband originally was taking the Ferilsan M tablets but he had to take 3 a day and I if course he wasn’t great at remembering to take them the drink is only once s day and that when he really noticed a difference because he was taking the right dose each day.
We also saw a private urologist in London called Dr Jonathan Ramsey he is based in London if you live near London I would definitely recommend him he is the best in the male infertility field. He was 100% certain that my husband results had improved because of the supplements I had him on.
He also does a surgical procedure where he can take sperm directly from the testicle as it’s quite often after they travel through the various tubes that they get damaged so that always an option.
If your husband hasn’t had a DNA Fragmentation test done then that what you need to get, that the gold standard test for sperm quality.
I’m sorry if this is a bit of information overload but the main thing is there is loads of options and still loads of hope so please stay positive.
Wishing you the best of luck with everything xx
Hi Beacon of hope !
Oh wow thank you so much for your detailed response! Our GP will not do anything for us ! He just says come back in a year as there is a chance we could become pregnant but with such bad results I very much doubt it !
Can I ask where you able to get the DNA test done privately?
Hi Annie1609 no problem it would be nice if all the research I’ve done is helpful to someone else.
Dr Ramsey requested it for us when we went to see him. Do you live near London? If not I’m sure you could just look up a private urologist in your area and they can request it for you. Just message me if you need anything else would be happy to help xx
Hi Beacon, my husband has low morphology (other parameters normal). Did Dr Ramsay recommend any specific supplement to you? or something else? I am reading some people take impryl but then need to stop with some other things (not sure which). My husband currently takes vitamin D3, DHA, Vitamin C, Acetyl carnitine and multi vitamin Pro creation.