I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago after initially having a positive IVF result. I know it hasn't been very long but each day feels like its getting harder. I get upset when I see babies being born on the tele, films ect. I cant help but feel like this might never happen for me. Has anyone else felt like this?? xx
Finding it hard: I had a miscarriage... - Fertility Network UK
Finding it hard

I'm sorry you're going through this Jill. A miscarriage is like any loss and you need to allow yourself time to grieve. It can be so hard to keep positive and believe it's going to happen. I also wonder if it's ever going to happen for me...
In terms of coping you might want to consider speaking to a counsellor (if you've not already). Your clinic should be able to recommend. I see one and its a huge help. Also, try to work out what takes your mind off it too. For me it's reading, excercise and I've just started tai chi. Take care of yourself x x x
Hi Jill. Sorry you're hurting so much. I know how hard I found it dealing with a negative result, can only imagine it would be much much worse in your situation. Just take each day as it comes and don't worry about crying at stuff, it's still really recent and you'll still be trying to come to terms with it. Hope you feel better soon and sending big hugs.
Hello. Firstly huge hugs. Yes I have felt like that to. I avoid anything with that In for now. Which is helping me. Also doing things I love to do. I know it doesn't feel like it now. But it will get better. I still have off days like today. As I know My period is due very soon. But it does get easier. Key thing is not to keep your emotions in. Let them out. I'm always here to listen. Lots of love. ️Xx
I feel like this most days hon. Somedays are ok but others are a nothing but pain. I had a very similar first failed ivf to you as well, i speant an entire day at the A&E because i was misscarrying :-(. I still havent gotten over it i mean the pain will always be there but it will just getter easier to cope with with time. Keep strong and i wish you all the inner strength to get yourself together for your future ivf treatments. Take good care of your self xx

Hi jillmooney. Experiencing a miscarriage is never an easy thing to overcome, however far you are with your pregnancy. It’s early days yet, and it is so natural to hurt so much in the beginning. Although you will never forget, you will find it easier as time goes on. You need to choose who you spend time with for now. Be gentle with yourself and look after you, and turn the films and TV off if you think they might upset you! You will move forward again, and when you feel the time is right, let’s hope that this will be your year. Diane
I am so sorry this happened to you. What you are feeling is normal. When it happened to me I cried everyday for a month. It still hurts but it does get easier-promise.
I found talking it through helped and doing positivity exercises. Take as much time as you need and don't let anyone rush into "feeling better" before you are ready
Hi. It's been 7 weeks since my ectopic pregnancy and I'm still having my off days. Sometimes the tears just come when I am doing something normal and the best thing to do is to just let it all out. I am avoiding certain t.v programmes at the moment like call the midwife. We had our second session of counselling since we lost our little one and it did help this time. My hubby and I have been to the theatre a couple of times and I have found this very therapeutic. Look after yourself. Tasha x
All the time!!! How are you feeling now? I hope you are having more good days than bad but it will take time xx
Yes, I felt like this after my first miscarriage then after my failed IVF. Worst part for me was seeing pregnant women in the street or entering my workplace, or with new born babies. It does get better, even if it feels really rough at the minute. Have a big cry and speak to a friend or family member, just so you can get the feelings spoken, it does help. I know you posted 2 weeks ago, but feel free to dm if you like
Thank you all very much for your lovely replies. I am still finding it very hard but am seeing my Councillor which is helping a lot xx