Hi ladies I just had my final injection of pregnyl before egg collection which will be this Fridays. I just want to ask what was your experience and symptoms after this final injection. As I am in the category of high risk of OHSS I want to know what to expect, although each body is different a little comfort will be nice. I am really feeling nervious as this is our first IVF and I really hope we got some positive ourcome. I wish to everybody good luck with their treatment and lets hope for the best. Any advice or sharing experiance will be really great and supportive.
Final Injection before egg collection - Fertility Network UK
Final Injection before egg collection

hi lovely. firstly good luck for Friday. I have not had that drug for trigger. but have had ohss. and had to abandon cycle because of it. but with my first egg collection I was so nervous. but it's not that bad. the first time was fine. the second time I was more sleepy and had a bit more pain. but not nervous at all. my clinic are very good and they don't rush you out. they keep you until they are happy that you are ok. you will be ok. good luck. xx
Hi Babylonia. You will be just fine. I had no symptoms of felt and diff, apart from my tummy was tender. Good luck. Xxxx
Thanx for your supportive words, so far I have got really sore breast and my nipples are so hard and painful to touch other than that I have no other feelings however I am waiting to see how i will be after egg collection as everyone have different experience.
yes everyone does have different experiences. it is important you tell the people looking after you on the day any info about past problems with being knocked out if you have had any. plus with the anaesthetic if you have hand any issues. also if you are allergic to anything. they should go through this with you. and also tell you the procedure. and afterwards how many follicles were collected from you. if you have any other Questions please ask. and once again. good luck. x

Thank you Piglet12 for your advice I will defenetly discuss these matters with the fertility unit staff although we have discussed some of those points. I am not sure how many eggs we are expecting to get but according to our doctor the projection is for arround 10 - 12 eggs. I will keep posting after my egg collection. Thanx once again and best of luck to you as well xxx
that's a very good number. that's what I got on my first ec. on my second I got 17. glad I could help a bit. thank you. I am to start taking drugs tommrow. them scan on Saturday the 18th to see what's going on. now I'm feeling nervous. x