I was pregnant last march but unfortunately it ended in a blighted ovum. This was my first Ivf cycle. Despite having a borderline fsh (10.1) I stimmed well on 300 iu of follistim for 5 days and decreased it by 1/2 for two more days. After 7 days of stims, I triggered. My e2 was 3,300. At my retrieval they got 22 eggs!!! When I called to check on the fertilization only 8 were mature. I was so confused. Fortunately all 8 fertilized but I am so nervous as to why I had so many immature. I really hope I go today to some good quality embryos.
So here I am on the morning of my emb... - Fertility Network UK
So here I am on the morning of my embryo transfer and I'm so nervous.
goodluck with the transfer and let us know how it goes!!
The numbers do vary, try not to worry...I had 14 eggs, 12 fertilised and only 2 high enough quality to transfer so had them both put back on my clinics advice...on Saturday. This is our first ivf, fortunately funded as I have an amazing GP who fought for us despite me being 35 and just over the cut off. we are unexplained infertility, that useful term ,haha!! Good luck!! Xx
Good Luck to you! I know, I am diagnosed with secondary infertility. I was pregnant and miscarried in march of last year. I hate this diagnosis, it is so harsh! My husband and I decided to only transfer 1 embryo for now. I am very small build and I didn't want my selfishness to cause any potential problems. Especially since I have already had a miscarriage. I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!
Food luck. Any tips for me? I will be going through ivf this year. Not sure when but any tips to help me be healthy wud be great x
Thank you everyone for your replies. Fortunately, 7/8 embryos were grade A and 5 were 8 Cells which is so relieving.
LauraJmorris- I always had a fear of egg quality. for a few months leading up to my IVF, I used organic wheat grass in orange juice. I drank it every few days and I swear it helped. I stopped a few weeks before I started my IVF meds as I did not want to interfere with anything. Also, make sure you trust your Dr. I absolutely love my dr. He is so good with my husband and I and it makes things so much easier. The last thing I can say is just to pray! It's in the hands of the man upstairs after this!
Thank you! Fortunately 7/8 of my embryos were Grade A and 5 of them were 8 Cells. We transferred one 8 -cell that was compacting. I hope this gives us our rainbow!