Hi everyone, I am starting IVF soon. Actually I am on the waiting list. However, I am anxious and wanting to know if I need to take time off from work when I start the injections. I don't want my workplace to know about it.
starting ivf soon: Hi everyone, I am... - Fertility Network UK
starting ivf soon

I'm the same not sure either if need time off during injections x
Hi hun
Firstly good luck, this is a very exciting time.
When you staart IVF, you will need to go to regular scans during the injection stage so that your womb and ovaries can be monitored to see how you respond. At my clinic these were at about 8am, which meant I was only a little bit late for work. I told my work I had a hospital appointment (I did).
You will also need to take a couple of days off for egg collection and embryo transfer, and you will probably want the couple of days between these off as I found I was generally fairly sore after egg collection. You will be given a window for when this will happen, but it will only be firmed up by your clinic in the days immediately before egg collection.
You may therefore need to have a word with your manager saying that you are underging some medical treatment for which you will have some scans and will be a bit late in, and this will end with a few days treatment, which you think will be these dates, but could move. You may want to check out your HR policy,mine actually gave me a few days off, but I did generally take leave myself instead of use this.
The other thing you need to think about is what you are going to do int he two weeks after embryo transfer until you test to find out whether you have been successful. I personally found that I wanted to take some leave duirng this time so that I wasn't completely knackered. I did something different each time depending on how my ork (and annual leave) allowed, so maybe considering leave for a week, then work for a week; or work mornings early, or take the whoe fortnight off. You want to be in the position that at the end of the two week wait, that you have done all that is reasonable for you to have done to give yourself the maximum potential to be successful - hence taking it easy if possible.
Hope this helps, good luck
FG x

Hi Flowergirl, I greatly appreciate all the information. been searching the internet and couldn't find any about this. thanks a lot. Best wishes
Hope this was helpful, feel free to ask more on here, but also ask your clinic their views.

This is REALLY helpful! Thank you!
I suppose it depends on your relationship with your boss - I decided to tell mine and she has been great - which was just as well as I have needed quite a lot of time off for scans (was needing a scan every other day - way more than I had anticipated). I opted to work during the 2ww - although in hindsight I should have done as flower girl has suggested above and taken some time off - been totally knackered.
Good luck!
Hi Debh1 thank you. I am very close to my manager but she is not good at keeping secrets. I told her I am doing a cycle monitoring to check my ovaries and she started telling others I am undergoing treatment. I haven't told her about the ivf as yet. We work in the catering department in a school.................Kind regards.
I only took time off for egg collection and transfer, all my appointments were early in the morning so I just arranged to come in late.
thanks pswhiteside. Greatly appreciated.
So far I have managed to take one day off & come in late one day. My next apt is outside my working hours but will just need to leave 15-30 mins before my usual finish time.
I have only just been made permanent at my work & don't want them to know that we are undergoing treatment yet. Like missanxious there person I would have to tell about hosp apts isn't always very good at discretion. Fingers crossed with your treatment!
I suppose it depends on your relationship with your boss - I decided to tell mine and she has been great - which was just as well as I have needed quite a lot of time off for scans (was needing a scan every other day - way more than I had anticipated). I opted to work during the 2ww - although in hindsight I should have done as flower girl has suggested above and taken some time off - been totally knackered.
Good luck!
It’s not time off for injections but you’ll probably need time off for scans and definitely a couple of days off for egg collection as they do this under sedation. You will probably need at least a few hours off for embryo transfer but some ladies like to take a few days.
Many women do manage to do this all as holiday or they tell their work they need medical appointments for a gynaecological procedure. Personally I told my work and discovered they gave a policy which allows me 5 days paid leave per year for fertility treatment- but I was lucky that I didn’t mind my work knowing.
Good luck.