Hi all,
Short backstory: I am currently 6 weeks 4 days pregnant with an IVF pregnancy. I fell pregnant naturally last year but it ended in a horrendous miscarriage at 7 weeks. I had a gut feeling the whole time I would MC as something felt 'off', and I was sadly right.
This pregnancy so far has been... dramatic. A fair bit of bleeding on and off, mainly brown, causing a bucketload of anxiety for me - a naturally anxious, control freak sort of person, especially after my previous MC. I ended up having an early scan on Friday at my IVF clinic because the bleeding got heavier on Thursday. To my absolute shock, they saw an embyro there, 'perfectly implanted' (doctor's words), with a tiny heartbeat and measuring bang on 6 weeks 1 day. I was happy but also terrified knowing it could still go away.
She saw no sign of why I had been bleeding and suggested that I'd maybe bad a haematoma that I'd passed (hence the heavier bleed.)
Fast forward to now, and after some brown and coffee-ground style spotting over the weekend, last night before bed I got some quite intense cramps - worse than I have had so far. They felt... different. Deeper. And this morning I woke up to fresher blood.
It has tapered off a bit now and is back to scanty brown, but my head is an absolute mess.
I know that bleeding on and off can be normal but I am really struggling mentally with the on/off nature of mine. This morning I called in sick for work, convinced this was the start of a miscarriage. I also thought my symptoms had vanished but I think they do first thing in the morning then kick in mid-morning.
I know I'm not out of the woods yet and it could still go south - but I'd love to know if anyone has experienced anything similar, this on and off bleeding with cramping, and it turned out ok?
And also - how on earth do I mentally survive through this time? I assume this will keep happening to me and I can't keep bothering my poor clinic every time - not sure what good that would do!
Any advice would be so welcome!