Helllo ladies. So I figured to post this here instead of the other fertility forum to not upset anyone.
I have been discharged from my IVF clinic 2 days ago, I am currently 7+4 but they did see a 2x1x0.7cm bleed (SCH) on the scan 2 days ago. I had bleeding in week 5 that scared the hell out of me but been fine last 2 weeks and those times the scans were clear of anything but now a bleed is seen yet no signs of bleeding. But I am due to visit my family in the Netherlands over Easter and my Nan is in hospital and already not seen them for so long it really is for me an important trip.
But info online is contradicting about flying with a SCH and even my doctors are contradicting each other. The GP said she don’t know for sure but you likely won’t get a fit to fly note out of safety reasons so insurance would not cover you yet the IVF clinic thought not too much of it as it is such a short flight and A&E care there is good in case I need support while over there…
It has been so stressful already to get to this point and just wondering if anyone else had this dilemma and what did you do? I am tempted to still go but the GP really scared me into re thinking this…