Hello 😊 I'll try and explain this as best I can but my brain fog is STRONG.
According to my IVF dates, my due date should be 20th April, but during my first few scans baby was measuring on the bigger side, so my due date was changed to the 12th April. Baby is now only in 31st centile (currently 36+5 according to adjusted due date), which i know isn't a cause for concern but is on the smaller side.
Due to it being an ivf pregnancy and me also having an underactive thyroid, my health board don't like me to go past my due date so would like to induce me before I get to the 12th April, but if we're going by my IVF dates, the 12th April is really only 38+5 weeks.
I'm not really sure what my question is, I'd just really like to avoid a c-section if possible but I know inductions can increase the chance of needing one, but I can't see labour starting earlier than 12th april on its own given that would only make me 38+5. Think I'm just looking for someone who may have experienced something similar who may have some words of wisdom for me because I can't decide what to do for the best (ie have any induction or refuse it)