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Planned c section vs induction?

Fertilityjourney profile image

Hello lovely people.

I am 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow and all going well. I have gone from a high risk pregnancy (Placenta Previa which moved) to low risk, except my age.

For months all midwives and consultants were telling me I'd need to have an induction and have baby before 40 wks due to my age (43) - yet now I am talking to my actual consultant she is comfortable with any decision I want to make, argh!

So now I am left in a dilemma. I think I have been sadly suitably scared into thinking I want baby to arrive by/on 40 weeks. But I am a medical phobic and hate the idea of induction AND a C-section!

However, my ultimate goal was to have a calm a birth as possible and clearly that baby and I am ok.

I am leaning more towards a planned c section at just before 40 wks because I will have some certainty of what will happen whereas induction can last 5 days, be painful and progress to an emergency c section anyway? Plus I have read alot of negative side effects for baby.

I will do everything I can to help baby along naturally - e.g. birthing ball bouncing, sweep and accupuncture at 39 weeks, lots of walking, collostrum harvesting....

I know there is no right or wrong answer but would really appreciate hearing others' experiences or thoughts please?

Thank you xx

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33 Replies
Fudge1980 profile image

Hey well done on 38wks 😊I am still high risk and their plan was to induce at 39wks but after researching like yourself there was was no way I wanted that route.

Also I could have a complication with my cervix that may not get fully dilated. I want to avoid an emergency section at all costs so I’ve chosen a planned gentle section at 38+5 and if she comes early I can still try natural or request my section.

I have no plans on trying naturally up to now! I had a natural delivery with my 24yr old son and it took me ages to recover so the “you will recover quicker” isn’t always true either.

If you have plenty of help at home then a section might be your choice.

Also I don’t feel shame by having a section I would like my baby here safe I’ve waited long enough and been through enough 💗

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toFudge1980

Hi there. Thanks for your thoughts - it's interesting what you say about recovering from a natural birth... As one thing putting me off a c section was the recovery time afterwards.

I have my wonderful husband at home and he gets alot of paternity leave thankfully.

What is a gentle section? Xx

Fudge1980 profile image
Fudge1980 in reply toFertilityjourney

If all is still well then we get to watch her be born after they make the cut we will get the clear screen and actually watch her be born. It’s slower,calmer and they take their time hopefully meaning a quicker recovery and less painful. She will be put straight on me for skin to skin 💗

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toFudge1980

Hmmm that's interesting. Thanks so much. Xx

JenRoy profile image

I had an induction at 38+3 weeks. It was fine. I had to be on the Labour ward but had a very chilled midwife only birth. Once contractions started, my daughter was born naturally 5hrs later. I only used a TENS machine and gas & air. I was able to have music, fake candles and aromatherapy plus I had a doula with me as well as my husband. It was hard work but felt calm and non medical. So it’s definitely possible!!

But elective C-sections can be beautiful too (I’m an Anaesthetist and ICU Consultant 😬).

I’m 20 weeks with my 2nd (DE treatment) and definitely don’t want to go past 39 weeks. Risk rises in ivf pregnancies after 39 weeks.

But do what you feel comfortable with as long as well informed x

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toJenRoy

Hi. Thanks for your thoughts. Its good to hear of a positive induction.

I've just had a text and they have actually booked me in for next Friday - which is 39 + 5 in their dates and 39 + 2 by my IVF dates!

I didn't know about the 39 weeks stat for IVF babies, I'm just working off the over 40 stats? Eek.


JenRoy profile image
JenRoy in reply toFertilityjourney

All sounds good. I’d trust your team. They know your history and all your clinical details. All sounds very positive and exciting!! Enjoy the final week of peace 😉😆

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toJenRoy

Thank you 💕

Rain415 profile image

Hi,Just my experience but I was told to prepare myself for a c section but they wanted me to go through induction to see if could be natural. Like your post says, my induction lasted from Monday then had to be a c section early Thursday morning as it was not working.

If they had offered me the c section in hindsight I would have took it. The induction process some women it's quick, in my case it wasn't. I also had 2 sweeps.

Good luck and wish you all the best whatever you decide!

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toRain415

Thanks so much for your thoughts. xx

Purpledoggy profile image

I went for ELCS as chance of having an emergency one goes up with age and I felt it was lowest risk for the baby. It also made things much easier to plan-hubby took 4 weeks off to help me; recovery was faster than the 2 in my NCT group who had emergency CS, and I don’t regret it one bit. Not trying to persuade you, just offering the advantages. I had zero desire for a VB though, I’m bordering on phobic of it anyway, so it suited me just fine! Good luck, hope all goes well whatever you decide. Xx

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toPurpledoggy

Thank you so much. Interesting about elective vs emergency recovery time. Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply toFertilityjourney

I think probably due to physical trauma and exhaustion from prolonged labour. The worst thing for me was getting up at 5am and having to fast all day until the op at 3pm! Xx

HollyT7 profile image

I had an induction at 39+5 after numerous sweeps, went in on Monday, pessery didn't work, broke my waters Tuesday afternoon, had baby weds 3.50am, placenta wouldn't come away and bled alot so stayed in until Thursday.

I didn't like the induction but because pain relief didn't work and have it in my head that natural labour is that bit less painful as my body would be able to build up pain relief naturally.

I have the option of a c section but the recovery bothers me as I have a toddler so will probably be induced again if needed although love the idea of a c section and not having to push through!

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toHollyT7

It's so hard to know what to do for the best... xx

KiboXX profile image

You’re almost there! ☺️

I had an induction at 39+4 with my daughter as I had reduced movements. I really wanted to avoid an induction as I was expecting it to be a slow process but the first pessary kicked off my contractions within a few hours and my labour progressed naturally from there.

With my son, I went 7 days overdue, had three ( yes three! 🤪) sweeps and he came when he was ready to 😂. I was less worried about having an induction with him as I’d had a pretty positive experience first time around but I have to say I really loved going into labour naturally the second time around.

Good luck whatever you decide ♥️ Xx

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toKiboXX

Thanks so much lovely. x

Millbanks profile image

I had a planned c-section at 38+6 and it was absolutely the best option for me.

It was so calm and smooth and I was up and walking around after a few hours.

I’m a week I was out in the park (slowly) with my bubba.

I didn’t fancy an induction as at 39 I just knew the chances of it ending up in a c-section anyway were high


Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toMillbanks

Thanks so much. Really glad it was so calm for you and you were up and about so quickly. Xx

LizzieBW profile image


I wish I'd gone for a planned cesarean because my induction failed and ended in emergency cesarean. When the consultant stepped in and made the call to save my baby's life with surgery that was of course my focus but I instantly felt relief too that the suffering was over for me and the labour then had a definite end.

There's really no right nor wrong here lovely. It's just whatever your gut and head tell you feels right for you. Good luck! Xx

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toLizzieBW

Thanks so much. Appreciate your thoughts. Xx

JoyfulStar profile image

Interestingly, I had a baby at 44 years of age and funny no one ever mentioned that I had to have a baby before 40 weeks. I had extra monitoring because my bump was huge due to several fibroids that had grown with the pregnancy.

As luck would have it, my daughter who was head down at 28 weeks turned and stayed breech till the end so decided on an elective c section at 39 + 1. It was a positive experience. My surgery was in the afternoon and I was allowed a light breakfast and told when to stop eating and drinking. After the surgery, I was discharged the next day. My recovery was much faster than an open myomectomy (fibroid removal) I had in 2019. I was able to go for a walk with my baby in her pram for a walk when she was one week old.

I personally liked the certainty of an ELCS but know it is not for everyone.

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toJoyfulStar

Thank you. It's really good to hear you had a positive experience. Xx

Pupster83 profile image

I was given the option of induction at 37 weeks or section at 38 weeks as I had gestational diabetes, baby was measuring big and I had said I didn’t want to be waiting and taking any chances of issues later pregnancy with baby being result of many fertility treatments. I had an induction just over 3 weeks ago at 37+1 weeks. I had balloon initially, rather than pessaries, which I would say was good as it was more natural, no drugs and less internal exams. I had it in for 15 hours and dilated to just under 4cm. I then had to wait 9 hours for a bed on the labour ward and after getting there and being put on drip I did 9 hours of labour overnight with gas and air and only dilated a further 1cm. I ended up having remi fentanil to help with the pain which I reacted very badly too (was very sick and out of it and baby’s heart rate dropped) so I had to go back to just gas until they could get me an epidural but there was a wait as emergencies had had to go to theatre and there were no anaesthetists. By the time I could get an epidural I was shattered and done and just needed the baby out so I had a section in the end. I was always worried about whether an induction would work and needing interventions but I decided to give it a go and try for a natural birth and avoid major surgery so I think I made the right decision at the time but in hindsight, given how things went, I would definitely chose a planned section if I was asked to make the decision again. Hope that helps.

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toPupster83

Thanks so much for your experience and thoughts. Xx

Jana483 profile image

I had a vaginal birth with my first ivf pregnancy my water broke on its own in my due date and everything went well.

With my recent ivf pregnancy I got cholestasis of pregnancy and I had to be induced at 37 weeks pregnant, I was like you scared that the induction won't work and then I'll have to undergo a c-section (I am terrified of c-sections, all the people around me who had a c-section had terrible horrible experiences)

The induction only took 10 hours from start to finish, I even transitioned from 4 cm to 10 cm so fast and did only one push and my son was out. (maybe cause it w my second time giving birth)

Wishing best of luck and a safe delivery!

Thing is with c-sections the recovery is really hard and taking care of a newborn is hard as well.

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toJana483

Thanks so much. Good to hear you had a positive experience of an induction. Xx

Materialbarbie profile image


It’s a hard decision to make but in my experience I was induced at 39 weeks due to large gestational size and ended up having an emergency C-section. My experience wasn’t the best but my consultant also did listen to any of my previous concerns! It’s good you have the options there.

Second baby was a planned csection and recovery was much quicker(even with a toddler in tow!). It was a nicer, calmer experience and I’m so thankful I went for the planned section.

It’s totally up to you and I wish you all the luck for the safest delivery of your gorgeous little one.


Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toMaterialbarbie

Thank you. Really glad to hear it was a calm experience. Xx

Hey this was me… 4 day induction to emergency c section. I had planned a home birth - they tried to scare me early but in the end I was 41+2 when baby was born. I was offered c section at the point of induction too and if I’d known how it would Unfold, lots of pain followed by pushing which put pressure on my down below followed by emergency C-section then I would’ve just booked a C-section. Having it planned would’ve taken a lot of stress out of it. Add to this, I’ve been laden with post natal problems that I wonder if they’d have been the same had I booked in for a planned c section.

Fertilityjourney profile image
Fertilityjourney in reply toPositivechangeplease

Sorry to hear you went through this. Xx

Positivechangeplease profile image
Positivechangeplease in reply toFertilityjourney

Aww that’s okay, main thing is baby got out safely. I was just trying to give some perspective on a planned c section sometimes isn’t a bad option

Ellie1005 profile image

Hey! My journey was both options but decided on induction as didn’t want to go much over 39 weeks (age 42) and wanted to try and have baby through a VB. After 3 internal exams and pessaries I was ready for waters to be broken 24 hours after starting but no midwife to support me 121 so wanted another two days on ward, then finally went in, pain was pretty bad quite quickly and moved from remifentinol to epidural but went into shock and baby’s heart rate dropped and ended up in emergency section, so in hindsight I would have gone elective section but these things happen!I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you, good luck and sending you positive vibes xx

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