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Looking for success stories

Brie889 profile image
35 Replies

Hi Everyone,

feeling really down at the moment. I just had a scan today and baby is measuring 6w2d but i am actually 6w5d. Heart rate was 97bpm which seems low when i have read up on it. I am beside myself right now and just dont know what to think or how to cope, i really thought this was our time. I cant stop crying and not sure how to pull myself together.

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Brie889 profile image
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35 Replies
Doodlebug23 profile image

The measurements are so so small at this stage that they can’t be 💯 accurate. My due date has changed 3 times already and I’m only 14 weeks! I know it’s harder says than done but please try not to worry and dwell on what could be wrong. Assuming the sonographer was happy with things? I’d go with that. What’s your next steps?

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Doodlebug23

Hey, i had a scan last Thursday with my clinic at exactly 6w and they said everything looked good and could see the heartbeat flickering. I was due to go back to the clinic on Friday this week, but i got myself into a frenzy and booked one with a private baby scan place near me. They used abdominal rather than transvaginal, but she measured at 6+2 not the 6+5 i am. Last Thursday my clinic didn't tell me measurements or anything the just said everything is measuring fine so not sure of the difference. I called my clinic when i got home today as i was beside my self they said that the measurements are fine and they shouldn't have told me a heart rate yet. The woman where i went today seemed really concerned which worried me and i felt as though she knew something wasn't right. My clinic have also now said they wont see this Friday either and i have to now wait until Tuesday as they have to leave it a week between ultrasounds. My only option is to now wait another week until tuesday and see what happens, i feel like im honestly going out of my mind. I keep trying to stay positive like i have been doing before but i actually feel like im going mental.

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Brie889

I was only told days baby was measuring and that there was a heartbeat, not the heart rate.

I’m also not sure that an abdominal scan is accurate this early. It’s annoyed me a bit I’ll admit, cause I totally understand how and why you are feeling how you do, and I really don’t like that they seem to have really made you upset and worried.

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Doodlebug23

I really thought it was going to make me feel better going, but all i have done is made things worse it was though she was implying that it will end in miscarriage as she said she 'had to be honest with me'

I should never have gone and should have just spoken to my clinic 😔

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Brie889

Hindsight is a wonderful thing! But. You haven’t done anything that’s changed anything or caused any harm. Except to your nerves. It’s so hard this whole experience so please don’t beat yourself up about it. Try and discount that scan cause tbh they don’t sound great…. You have a tiny little baby with a little heartbeat busy growing. It may seem ages but it will soon be your next scan and then you can breathe for a little while!

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Doodlebug23

Thank you ❤️ I really do hope my little baby is busy growing and everything is ok at the next scan xxx

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to Brie889

Positive vibes! Little munchkin will be fine!!!! X

BabyDust23 profile image

Hi Brie889, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this and I agree with Doodlebug23 as above they shouldn’t have worried you like that. The measurement s are so difficult to be accurate at this stage, as we are talking millimetres. I believe it’s quite normal (from what I’ve read) to be measuring 5 days either way, and things can change so much within a week. Also I agree that abdominal ultrasounds aren’t as clear as transvaginal so would be even more difficult to be precise at earlier stages. I am 12 weeks now and have had 3 ultrasounds, each one saying differently. I have also not been told the heart rate yet at any of my appointments as it isn’t accurate until 14+ weeks according to the midwife.

I know it’s so difficult to not worry between scans, they seem to only give reassurance for a few days before the anxiety kicks in again.

My clinic also said to me about the 1 week between ultrasounds as it is in line with the NICE guidelines therefore had to delay my clinic scan due to me having a private one.

Sending you my wishes and I hope your scan on Tuesday gives you some reassurance xx

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to BabyDust23

I honestly wish I didn’t go and have it done, I feel worse than if I had just waited to have the scan at the clinic. When I spoke to the clinic they did say that anything 5 days either side is ok and they really weren’t happy with what the baby scan place have said to me. Tuesday can’t come quick enough! X

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely,

With my successful pregnancy my LB was 3 days behind for the first 2 scans. They said that 3 days either side was pretty common at this stage because it's so hard to measure something so tiny...

Please try not to worry too much about it until there is a reason to - sending a big hug because I know how stressful it is.


Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Millbanks

Hey, I think I’m really worried because baby measured 5.86mm on scan today and I should be 6w5days, 7weeks on Thursday and on the nhs website it says at that stage it should be around 10mm. Can you remember your measurements? I’m really trying not to panic but the thoughts just won’t go away. My husband is getting annoyed with me too cos he saying there’s nothing to worry about yet and I know he’s right but I just can’t seem to pull myself together xx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Brie889

I don't think they gave me measurements unfortunately - but honestly a couple of days either side is ok. xx

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Millbanks

Thank you xx

Fruitandflowers profile image

On both my successful pregnancies they've measured behind at that stage - my second in particular was around 5 days out but they couldn't be sure. They said they're not too worried unless it's a week or more out and even then the measurements are very difficult to take and a mm or so is a big deal so easy to get wrong. My second stayed behind on scans until much later when the NHS were able to do accurate measurements but even then my due date changed a few times as they corrected things. I don't think I've ever been told the heart rate that early, just that there's a heartbeat and it looked good (whatever that means). The extra scans can help a lot but it does depend on the sonographer. Also that early there's not a huge amount they can tell you compared with later so they can be a bit no guarantees and non-committal about it. The anxiety never really shifted for me but as things progressed I let myself believe a bit more that things may be ok.

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Fruitandflowers

Hey thank you for your message, it is good to see other people have been measured behind too. It’s just so worrying when they measured baby at 5.86mm and at nearly 7weeks on NHS it says it should be around 10mm and I’m only 2 days off being 7weeks 😞. I’m really hoping everything is ok on Tuesday xx

Skittles11 profile image


I would say you can definitely take some reassurance and comfort from it being an abdominal scan. Most clinics don't scan until about 7 weeks and the scans are done transvaginally in most cases I believe. The fact the scan was done less than 7 weeks and was abdominal - the results I feel are not going to be the most accurate. I know it's a horrible time waiting for next scans when you're really anxious- believe me I have been there and it's an all encompassing feeling. I'm sorry you now have to wait, do you have a counsellor you can book in with during this week of waiting? X x

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Skittles11

Hey, my clinic did transvaginal ok Thursday last week (6w) and they said everything was fine, measured fine and heartbeat flickering on screen, booked me in for this Friday for 7w1d scan but I was so rattled and in a frenzy that something wasn’t right I booked this private scan place that only do abdominal and she was quite negative. I spoke to my clinic after and they said everything is ok and they would be happy with those measurements and the other lady shouldn’t have told me heart rate etc. my clinic have also changed my next scan to Tuesday now to leave a week between which I feel I have caused this myself being irrational. I’m keeping everything crossed but I just don’t know what to think my anxiety is all over the place, I worry if I cramp, I worry if I don’t, I worry I don’t feel nauseous yet, worry my boobs hurt more worry when they don’t. Honestly it’s driving me mad, I have had a couple of sessions with a counsellor but to be honest I have felt worse after so haven’t booked any more appointments. I thought IVF rounds were bad but this is much worse! Thank you for listening anyway xxx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to Brie889

It's hard when you're so worried, all I can say is try and discount the scan you had today as best you can. I know its not easy and staying distracted is probably the way to go to get through the next week. Your best information will come from your clinic re-scanning you as they will have a direct comparison against your last one with them. I'm sorry to hear you have felt worse after your counselling sessions, I have had this once or twice myself with a previous counsellor. Sometimes the fit isn't comfortable and it's good you have identified this as you don't want to leave your sessions feeling worse. There are a few fertility trained counsellors on the BICA website if you felt you wanted to look at other options x x

BlahBlah55 profile image


Your measurements sounds pretty normal to me. Growth should be 1mm per day from 6 weeks. I had a scan the other day at 6+0 and was measuring between 3mm - 4mm. I started googling and just ended up freaking myself out as everywhere said something different. I found this paper quite helpful for showing the range of measurements researchgate.net/publicatio...

BlahBlah55 profile image
BlahBlah55 in reply to BlahBlah55

Also, I looked up my old notes from my successful pregnancy. I had a scan at 6+4 and was measuring 3.6mm and I never thought anything of it at the time, the doctors never said anything was of concern and it wouldn’t have occurred to me to go look it up. (I’m very different with this pregnancy as I’ve had two miscarriages since so my anxiety is high!). I think she was just a smaller baby to start off with, she is now a very tall 2 year old!

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to BlahBlah55

Thank you so much that sounds reassuring 😊 when I started IVF I never thought that getting a positive and actually being pregnant would be so stressful 😣 next Tuesday can’t come quick enough! Xx

BlahBlah55 profile image
BlahBlah55 in reply to Brie889

Yes absolutely, an IVF pregnancy is just utterly terrifying. Makes me sad that I can’t enjoy it all, I’m hoping if I get past 12 weeks and get all clear then maybe I’ll be able to relax a bit. But so far I’m just a bag of anxious nerves. I’m trying to space out scans at roughly 2 weeks apart. I think that’s the only way I’ll get any reassurance by regular scans.

Let us know what happens on Tuesday next week. X

jinis profile image

Hey lovely, sorry you're in this stressful situation.

Mine was measured slightly behind at 6+2 (5.91mm) as well on a scan that was done on 6+5 - I attributed this to him implanted slightly later (he was a little 3BC!). All is well & I'm 32 weeks this Saturday :)

Judging from your positive test on day 7, which has a very similar appearance to mine, yours probably implanted a little bit later too.

At this point the fetal heart isn't properly regulated to have consistent rates, so I can imagine they can go wildly different from a moment to another.

I know it's easier said than done - I've been there - but try to find something to distract yourself and not to beat yourself up about the scan. There's absolutely nothing you can do right now to change the course of the pregnancy, but you are pregnant today and your little bean is alive & growing.

Stats are also on your side - there is a 80~90% chance of your pregnancy continuing after visualizing heartbeat at 6 weeks. Hang in there, I'm sending you calming positive vibes and hope everything's well at the scan next week xx

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to jinis

Hey, thank you so much for this, it is really reassuring to see someone that is very similar 😊 I’m trying to keep positive and remind myself we have seen a heartbeat and that’s good! Time just goes sooo slow at the moment, next Tuesday seems like a lifetime away.

Congratulations on your pregnancy too ❤️

Kate-92 profile image

Throughout my pregnancy, I have only had baby’s heart rate checked a few times & from the hospital that has been 20 wks onwards. I did have it checked during private scans from 12 wks onwards on the odd occasion never before & the reason for that is cause of unnecessary worry & accuracy. The worst thing you can do is google as it’s always negative, never positive… I got so caught up in measurements in the early stages - but have varied throughout my pregnancy from being ahead / behind but always within parameters. No 2 people are the same & no babies are the same. Please try and relax & remain as calm as possible though I know it’s hard x Also like others have said I would have thought it would have been an internal scan not abdominal due to being so early - my 1st scan was 6 wks 5 days and they did internal up to 9 wks for accuracy, not abdominal x

Brie889 profile image
Brie889 in reply to Kate-92

Hey, Thank you for your reply you are right the internet is never the positive of anything, I got so caught up in it all earlier I was like a mad woman. My clinic only do internal scans too and my first scan last week was internal. I was just stupid booking a separate scan at a private baby scan centre that only do abdominal… I have certainly learnt my lesson! My scan next Tuesday is back at the clinic and will be internal xxx

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply to Brie889

It’s hard when your worried and you just want some reassurance - I’ve been there and booked umpteen private scans myself x hope all will be well for you next week 🙏🏼🤞🏼 x

ecoexplorer profile image

Everyone's said what I wanted to really, but just to give you hope I will tell you my adventure so far with this pregnancy. I had scan at 6+6, she said then that I was 5 days behind but that we could see a heartbeat. She warned me if it stayed that way things might not turn out for the best and hubby and I were really sad at this, she was only doing the right thing though I guess to put a bit of reality in it. So I waited 1 week, went back to her, same person, same clinic whO I trust, and all was fine, she could see much clearer and she said it was only 2 days behiund at 7+6. So all can change in a week. I have a private scan at Ultrasound Direct tomorrow which will be external as am 9+6 then so we will see and I know things can still change weither way, but when the sonographer saw the changes the other day she was so happy for us and gaev us a hug and appologised for being so newgative the first time round. Sorry that's a long one and I don't know if it will help, but I was in the same position as you a couple of weeks ago and we will obviously see tomorrow what's gping on, but hang in there as things can change sooo rapidly in a week!

Hope that helps sort of.

BlahBlah55 profile image

Hello, will you have your follow up scan today? Hope all goes well for you!

Brie889 profile image

hey, thank you, yes it’s today at 12.15 I’m actually shaking I’m so nervous xx

BlahBlah55 profile image
BlahBlah55 in reply to Brie889

Thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed it’s good news!

Brie889 profile image

unfortunately not good news baby hasn’t grown, there is still a heartbeat for now but clinic have said it’s not viable. Devastated is an understatement, I just have no words x

BlahBlah55 profile image
BlahBlah55 in reply to Brie889

Oh, I am sooo sorry to read this. Not the news I was expecting or hoping for 💔

I hope you have people around you to look after you. I’m so sorry, this process is so brutal and heartbreaking. Look after yourself and take all the time you need to grieve. Sending you virtual hugs & strength xxx

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Brie889

Oh love, I’m so sorry to read this. It’s just devastating isn’t it. 💔💔💔

Nothing will make you feel any better right now but sending strength and solidarity xxx

Kate-92 profile image
Kate-92 in reply to Brie889

I am so sorry to read this - sending lots of love & strength ❤️

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