Small bump comments: This is more of a... - Fertility Network...

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Small bump comments

sj482 profile image
11 Replies

This is more of a rant really, I am 30 weeks 2 days and have a bump just not massive - so many people are shocked at how far I am even a phlebotomist in the hospital said are you sure?! I have had scans at 28 and 30 weeks.little one is on the size charts fine, growing exactly as it should with weight in the 27/26th percentile. How am I meant to respond to the comments as it’s starting to worry me and get to me even though scans say it’s all fine!!

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sj482 profile image
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11 Replies
Boo718 profile image

we are the same date. Honestly ignore those people. Everyone is totally different. I was fat before I got pregnant … now I’m just … fatter 😂 the important thing is your beautiful little one is doing great . And your doing great … nothing else matters xxx

Arghh - I can relate to this, I was the other bump was massive.

Everyone commenting - but scans and measurements all ok.

In the end I gave birth to a smaller baby! But I had litres of fluid when my waters broke.

It really is different for everyone - if your scans are ok then it should all be fine!

I have birth to a healthy baby - I honestly think you cannot tell anything from the size of bumps....

Take comfort in the scans and measurements being ok. Try to block out the comments if you can, I know it is not easy :(


Savvy_teapot profile image

I can understand this. I have had similar and felt myself that my bump was smaller than others. But everyone is just different shapes and sizes. Like the other person said as long as you are both well that is the most important thing. Although of course it makes sense to be annoyed by comments!

JoyfulStar profile image

I can also relate to your comments but from the opposite side of the spectrum as I was huge. People kept telling me I was having twins and I was like I am not- I would know. 😒

On the day my daughter was born by c section, the doctor commented that my uterus was huge. My hubby told me to ignore his comment. At the time I was too relieved and overwhelmed with happiness to care, it was later that I realised it was not a very nice comment.

Like others have said, just focus on your baby and if everything is fine, then that is what matters. When I was tracking my pregnancy I came across this website that helped me happily embrace my bump especially in the early days.

ButtercupGarden profile image

I hear you! I'm 24 weeks and while I definitely have a bump, I can still cover it up and unless I'm wearing something that really shows off the bump, I just look a bit chunkier than normal. I went for my whooping cough vaccine and the nurse made such a fuss about how small I am. It's so annoying, I'm like please don't give me another thing to be anxious about! 😫

MrsOrangejuice profile image

I had the opposite - I was enormous from really early on. I think a combination of bloat from multiple back to back cycles and just naturally how I carried - apparently high makes it stick out more. I got told I'd got my dates wrong, was having twins, was ready to pop (at 5 months!). They midwife gave up measuring my bump as it actually went off the graph :) It worried me and I kept googling what was wrong and in the end absolutely nothing - big baby and a lot of fluid but totally normal and healthy. I kept looking online at these super thin and fit women with their 'neat little bumps' and felt like a heffalump. My SIL was a few weeks ahead of me and you wouldn't have known she was pregnant and she was really upset the other way - she started wearing super tight outfits to try and accentuate but it was just her shape and the way she carried. Her baby was also absolutely healthy. I think people can be quite insensitive and not realise that every little comment can make you anxious, if not just self conscious. Just tell them it's because you have the body of an athlete and your stomach muscles are like rocks or something ☺️

I got exactly the same and our LO was born 6lb 11oz so perfectly healthy size. People don’t realise how irritating they are and also how much anxiety they can cause. I’m a first time mum and was worried enough without people making me doubt the health and size of my baby!

Missfh profile image

I have quite a neat bump, it's never bothered me that people comment on the size, as I know baby is healthy. Baby is also at top end of percentile chart for size! If people want a reason, just say first baby, strong abdominal muscles 🤷🏼

Hooray for 30 weeks!! it feels so much better when the week starts with a 3 I always thought!!

I have worried about my bump throughout as it's been smaller than most and kind of strapped on the front. When I eventually spoke to my midwife about it she said it was because I was quite fit and toned before I got pregnant so my tummy muscles are a lot tighter and so bump consequently is a lot more constrained. It hasn't prevented baby growing at all but its just meant that its been a neat bump (and I am fairly tall too which has helped) and I haven't really put on a great deal of weight anywhere else.

It stressed me out quite a bit when people kept commenting on it, especially as I would never have said to anyone 'you are huge' as it would have been deemed offensive. It wasn't my style at all but a couple of times when people were relentless with their comments I told them what my midwife said (which felt quite awks and like I was bragging a bit about being 'toned') and ironically as soon as they heard it they didn't mention it again! Maybe because actually it was a sign things were toned and it was a positive thing? So they were almost complimenting me!? Who knows!! But it stopped from there, and then suddenly at 34 weeks I felt huge and no-one said anything anymore! (all the creme eggs I was eating). I sometimes wonder if people are almost jealous? xx

Ltry profile image

Sorry you are having to deal with insensitive people! I have been going to a mental wellness support group for pregnant women and we have talked about this. The midwife who runs it has suggested saying 'my midwife says I am measuring perfectly' and just leaving it there. People will hopefully get the hint and not say any more!

JulseyP profile image

Bumps come in all shapes and sizes. I arrived for my planned c section wearing size 6 jeans. A week before I was due I was speaking to someone and said if you need me ask for the pregnant one. They responded you're pregnant? Congratulations when are you due. The look on their face when I said next week was hilarious.

Currently 12 weeks with number 2 and already look more pregnant than I did at 37 weeks.

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