I have been pregnant before but I don’t remember being so completely wiped out ! I barely function , I have no energy to do anything! My husband doesn’t understand and is indicating I’m being lazy . Any ladies sympathetic to this , any advice? X
absolutely exhausted ! 7 weeks pregnant - Fertility Network...
absolutely exhausted ! 7 weeks pregnant

Oh mate me!!!!! Was all clever yesterday no 🤢 then today by midday 🤢 and knackered!!! 😂😂🙈🙈🙈
It’s ridiculous! I dont know if it’s because im older now 🙄😂 I swear it never floored me like this before . Me and my husband are barely talking as he thinks im taking the p*** 😂😂😂😂 xxxx
I'm 7+5 today, am absolutely shattered. Luckily I've not been particularly sick - just feeling nauseous - but it's so draining still. I feel like I need 24 hours sleep after every day!
Sorry I have no advice, other than just remember you're growing a human and it's tiring work. Hubs doesn't get a say in this, he isn't the one doing the hard work right now!
no advice, but I get it. 1st pregnancy no symptoms & second I have had a lot of nausea and extreme exhaustion - and no let up because my 20 month old has me up at 6.30am every morning.
Just got to ride it out and get earlier nights where you can. Mine mostly subsided around 15-18 weeks, however I still get the odd day of extreme tiredness and I’m almost 22weeks🫠. It’s just that little one letting you know they’re there! Xx
it’s totally exhausting but it does get better for the second trimester. I felt almost normal again 😂 and then third trimester brings back some tiredness but I still think the first 12 weeks are the hardest . Just try and rest, that’s all you can do. I think most of the hormonal adjustment happens in the first 12 weeks which is why we feel so horrendous. Hope you start to feel better soon xx
First trimester the exhaustion was like nothing I’d ever experienced, but it does get better! I was falling asleep at work 😆 By about 14 weeks I was a different person! I felt so alive!
I’m 8 weeks today and have been really struggling with extreme tiredness since 6 weeks. So much so, some days I’ve literally had to nip away from my laptop and have a quick Power Nap to function. On top of that I have frequent waves of nausea throughout the day. From what I’ve read and heard, this is expected from the first trimester. Listen to your body and rest as much as you can!! Get that hubby of yours running round for you 😉😉
thank you all ❤️ xxxx
oh I was definitely like this for the first 14-16 weeks. I literally fell asleep everywhere.
You know you have a problem when your boss walks into your office, wakes you up and apologises to you for waking you 🤣🤣🤣.
Just listen to your body n tell your husband to ………(I’m sure you can fill in the blanks 🤪) xx
My last pregnancy I was absolutely floored with exhaustion. During the first trimester there was a period of a couple of weeks where I couldn't leave the house because I didn't have the energy. I had a toddler too so it was so hard. I actually worried there was something wrong with me because I literally didn't have the energy to stand for more than a few seconds. Things improved a bit by 9 weeks but I was grateful for any improvement. It continued to get better and then plateud around 16 weeks. I never got my full energy back til I gave birth but thankfully I was still able to function like a normal person for the most part but I'll never forget that first trimester hell.
I tried to explain to my DH how bad it was but until you've experienced no energy, you can't even imagine what it's like because it probably doesn't sound that bad but I found it even worse than the all day nausea.
I just came on here to say I know what it's like and you have my sympathy. I'm 3 months post partum so it's fresh in my memory.
At the time when I looked up the low energy it was always people saying they needed to sleep rather than they couldn't walk more than a few steps. So it worried me that this was really abnormal. I wasn't anemic either, I had been during my first pregnancy and this felt similar but it was just a pregnancy thing.
Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy unfortunately I don't think there's any cure for the low energy except rest. Get your iron checked too, and tell your husband to wind his neck in haha x
thanks for reassuring me I’m not a cop out 😂 I suppose its favourable to having horrendous morning sickness. Congratulations on your bundle of joy xxxx